Hey All,
Sorry to be another one to ask the ventilation questions but its so important! I want to make sure my chickens have enough but also not get cold when the stupid wind gets going.
Its a mockup, so a lot isn't right. will be made with 2x4, pallet wood, and leftover metal roofing.
im curious too. Mine are free range and seem to do better under the house overhangs theres a breeze under there they get but idk how to duplicate it outside of the house. :/
Thank you!! I cant wait to get some chicks from them and see how they look! I saw your peking duck post. Have you tried...
Yeah i was going to practice on dead then go from there. I have some experience doing sx and such so we’ll see how i do. Definitely wont be for awhile yet. Ill see if i can find the info though! I bet it would help!
i wonder if “neutering” them would make them quieter? Im learning how to with my group supposedly the meat is really good when they are done so figured id try.
hey all! Yes im back! Lol.
hey anyone know someone with a few fertile goose or turkey eggs? I have a broody hen and want to use her to...
i wonder if its the same cougar i saw! Lol. 10 should be fine... i think lol. I have so much i want to do!!! I just love having property!! <3 :D yeah just shoot me a message and you can come by whenever. with covid we are home pretty much all the time. both myself and my dad are immune...
Yeah, i need to see if there is a limit to how many building's we can have that are 120 sq ft. because i may just add a 2nd one if i need it. :p goes around their 'lovely' bids for $$$
I dont trim their muffs, and these guys are still pretty young. not even laying yet. though you are welcome to...
definitally nice to see someone nearby!! and im seriously close to shasta county its almost annoying! you know the bridge that seperates the two counties? im off bowman. *sigh* but thank you for the information! i did bring the coop size down to the 120sqft so should be ok.
Im also thinking of getting the combs and wattles bigger. one bad thing about fav's is they don't tolerate heat well. theoretically with larger combs and wattles they would.
i was starting to notice that! what got me thinking was the buff laced brahmas like from blue acres brahma. I was thinking they looked different than most laced. at least that I've been seeing
I suppose i should also mention plans so far.
Was thinking cross with Brahmas to keep the temperament, feathering, and add a bit of size. as well as the lovely lacing I've seen quite a few of. that's about where I'm at. beginning stages big time.
So, I'm playing with the idea of starting a project of laced faverolles... what do others think? Or should I just do and keep track then share when?
Also, suggestions on genetics with birds? i don't know why I have such issues getting it through my head but I keep hoping I get it at some...
I saw that at a glance and was like wait... phd for chickens? then reread it and about died laughing!!!
Ok what about with your very first group of chickens? did you have the outside brooder and coop?