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  1. AuthenticAlyssa

    Silkie roo lethargic, panting with watery diarrhea with green chunks in it.

    Thank you Lucky, I appreciate the love… This chicken deserved to be in the best place possible anyways and so I am very happy for him and grateful for the time I had. It’s a huge lesson for the future that I need to be really paying more attention to body signs. He hid them so well that by the...
  2. AuthenticAlyssa

    Silkie roo lethargic, panting with watery diarrhea with green chunks in it.

    Did he end up making it?…. My precious boy passed away Friday morning. He had lost too much weight from the molt and I didn’t catch his symptoms in time. I was thinking it was another underlying issue because he always was a bit strange, not mating as much and usually just content sitting...
  3. AuthenticAlyssa

    Silkie roo lethargic, panting with watery diarrhea with green chunks in it.

    I’m having the same problem with my rooster this last few days aswell! I thought sour crop at first but I inspected him and his messy vent and found some mites. Treating with DT. I don’t know if the mites are the main cause here for the crop to slow. My baby has lost weight and has balance...
  4. AuthenticAlyssa

    Second Bumble foot surgery, no pus

    Hi! Just curious if your chicken really did heal up fine from just taking the scab off? I have the same problem and both my chickens didn’t have much puss or anything at all.
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