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  1. C

    New Member Here!

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    Sick hen has worms! Please help! 🙏

    Off her rear end or out of her rear end? If they are on her skin I would look for a wound although they seem too dark to be maggots. Any farm store where you get feed should have de-wormer if they are internal. Ask their advice for chicks or read the label for dosage by weight. It wouldn't...
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    Yeah, One of mine had an impacted gizzard from eating an old flattened .22 caliber shell casing. I don't know why any chicken would think that would be good. I doubt it was even shiny when she ate it. I'm constantly digging up metal and broken glass here.
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    My yard is full of water hemlock. Nothing will kill it and it spreads like crazy along the stream and any shady area we can't reach with the mower. The chickens don't even pick at it even though groundhogs will eat the flowers. They know what plants they can and can't eat. Bits of plastic...
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    Meloxicam is too expensive for my old hen, any others?

    I don't know if this will be less expensive or worse. They are tablets so you would have to cut them down, Most of the times I've had a vet prescribe Meloxicam it was liquid. If you also had liquid maybe you could figure out if you get more doses from tablets...
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    They won't eat their food

    I have had the worst time breaking my husband of stuffing my girls full of grain. Giant handfuls all over the ground. So much that they walk away and leave it there. I feel like this has contributed to some of our birds not being as healthy as they could be. It is cute when they eat out of...
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    PLEASE TRY THIS FEED!! My 11 hens have laid over 100 eggs so far this year. Poll: what brand of feed do you get?

    Green Mountain organic feed. I think it's made locally in Vermont so maybe not available everywhere. I get plenty of eggs. I don't need my girls to work any harder. ;)
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    Bumble foot with no scab

    I'm not sure with the powder. And the downside is that she has to drink all her water to get the full dose. I usually just open their beak and pop in a pill. If you can figure out what 81mg of powder is then you could mix it in a very small amount of water then use a piece of bread to soak up...
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    chicken in pain help! please!!!

    Do you feel comfortable with continuing to watch him suffer in pain and misery? You are already looking at rotted flesh and maggots. How much worse can some blood be at this point? You can already see his brain. A severed head can't be worse than how it looks right now. I doubt the bird is...
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    Bumble foot with no scab

    I would try the aspirin and see if some pain relief will help with her appetite. Have you felt up the leg comparing it to the normal one to see if you can feel any injured areas? You can make a sling to keep her off of it so there isn't pressure while sitting or roosting...
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    Bumble foot with no scab

    I had a hen that stopped eating and in general was not acting right. I thought she may have eaten and was clogged up deeper in her digestive system. The vet checked her over and did an X-ray and only then discovered that she had a broken wing. It was close to her body and not drooping at all...
  12. C

    Hen just attacked by a coyote!

    People have successfully used VetBond glue after an attack with a large skin flap if it won't stay in place. Use it on the skin, not the muscle underneath. Or surgical strips. Again only if the flap won't stay in place.
  13. C

    Feeding chickens for lowest linoleic acid-content eggs

    Free ranging helps. This Dr. Mercola website had an article that mentioned what he feeds his own chickens. I wash, air dry & crumble up my chickens egg shells to feed back to them for calcium.
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    Salpingitis Question Is My Flock at Risk?

    Update since I'm now planning a deep disinfecting of the coop and run before my new girls go out. Everyone got a round of ABX. Several had a little bit of a doughy crop before ABX. Then a lot of probiotics to balance them out. Several still had doughy crop and some diarrhea. I found this...
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    New to raising backyard birds

    I was hoping that would be the case, but...... I'll post and update in the original thread.
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    New to raising backyard birds

    LOL! You're probably right. I changed my mind and will probably spray the remaining dirt with acidifies copper sulfate mixture and let it dry before adding new sand. Right now my 8 original chickens are getting a course of ACS in their water. I'll post details in my original thread so I...
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    New to raising backyard birds

    Welcome! You'll have so much fun with your chickens. It's a little creepy to find the remains of dead chickens in the coop!!! I'm having a similar problem. One of my girls had a bacterial infection due to internal laying/salpingitis and now at least one of my remaining 8 girls has the...
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    Full, squishy like water balloon near vent, not walking

    The first time I had a hen that had it she had trouble walking, couldn't sit down and seemed to be short of breath. It was when I first had chickens many years ago. Now I usually find it before it gets that bad. If a hen looks off I feel their abdomen and backside. Also, I randomly feel up...
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    Full, squishy like water balloon near vent, not walking
  20. C

    Full, squishy like water balloon near vent, not walking

    It sounds like Ascites aka water belly. She may have an internal infection. I have drained the fluid off of several hens. It will make them more comfortable but I eventually lose them. One survived for about 8 months before the infection got too bad, even with antibiotics. I could be wrong...
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