Hey guys,
I have a self blue Cochin rooster and two Cochin hens. One is a splash and the other is a mottled. I was planning on breeding them. Has anyone ever crossed Cochins of these colors? Thanks!
Hey guys!! I’ve definitely been busy, but I’ve got new birds!!
I currently have about 20 Rhode Island reds (2 are roosters), 7 australorps (5 black, 2 blue - all hens), a few Cochin bantams I recently got (Birchen, mottled, and self blue), an old English, a Japanese bantam, 2 Easter Eggers I’ve...
I still love it! It holds a good amount of eggs, hold temp and humidity very well, and I always have around a 90-100% hatch rate in my eggs that are fertile! It’s an amazing incubator and I highly recommend it for anyone looking for one! It was a little pricey, but if you’re really into hatching...
I have Ayam Cemanis, a black Cochin bantam, a couple black frizzle Cochin bantams, black silkies, a black Langshan, black copper Marans, a black ameraucana, and a black satan. :) :)
I have a good size breeding flock of silkies, and it poured yesterday and it was cold. The majority of my birds were ok, I dried them off, got them warm, and put them in our garage out of the cold. I do have one little pullet who I think got too cold and she won’t walk. She’s doing better than...
Hi everyone. We have show broilers, we’ve had them for 4 weeks now. I think some of them have contracted coryza. I’ve never dealt with this before so I don’t know what to do. Are my other chickens safe? They are on different sides of the yard and I usually tend to my layers then the broilers...
These are my 2 show gilts. They can be the sweetest things ever or be absolute brats! Depends on the day 🤣
If you can’t tell they are always interested in the camera