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  1. Capto Veritas

    HELP!!! Extremely noisy chickens!

    I have a small flock of 2 hens in my coop. One is a Black Australorp and the other a RIR. They have plenty of food, water, and the occasional treat. They will squawk like crazy when they are about to lay, and for the rest of the day! This is my coop:
  2. Capto Veritas

    Is my hen egg bound ?

    I have a Black Australorp hen, and she started laying about 2 months ago. She only lay for about 15 days, and then stopped. It has been about 1.5 months now. She is eating/drinking and walking around fine, but I am a little concerned. What should I do?
  3. Capto Veritas

    Best Hen Contest #2

    Hey guys! If you have heard of my previous and on going Cutest Chick Contests, then you should enter my second Best Hen Contest! Like my other contests, there is a first place, second, and third place winner! It is just for fun so there are no prizes. Here are the rules: RULES: Only hens are...
  4. Capto Veritas

    Cutest Chick Contest #3 [Ends October 31]

    Hey guys, last August, I held a Cutest Chick contest and people loved it! We had adorable entries, and it was so difficult to choose the winner! This contest is just for fun, so no prizes. Here are the official rules: 1. Your chick must be under 4 months 2. You have to state your chick’s name...
  5. Capto Veritas

    Egg Bound Hen?

    Hey guys, I have a 6 month old Black Australorp hen who just started laying once a week. For the past 2 days, she has been squawking like crazy in the nesting box. It looks like she is trying to push out an egg! She is walking around fine, eating, and drinking okay. Is she egg bound or am I...
  6. Capto Veritas

    What to do for my coop?

    I have 2 hens and a small coop. I have a slide out tray that goes here, on top of the metal bars: It is not there right now. I want to know if I should put chicken wire/keep it open where the black supports are instead of putting the black tray in. If I do that I could add more roosts. Would...
  7. Capto Veritas

    Laying Machine?

    Hey guys, my 6 month old RIR just started laying 3 weeks ago. Ever since her first egg, she has been laying medium / large eggs every day but 2! Is that normal? Do you think she could break the record?
  8. Capto Veritas

    When will my hen lay?

    My Rhode Island Red hen started laying a few days ago 5 1/2 months. My Black Aastralorp hen the same age has not layed an egg yet though. I know Black Australorp are supposed to lay early, so when do you think she will lay?
  9. Capto Veritas

    Egglaying streak

    Hey y’all, my 5 1/2 month old Rhode Island Red hen just started laying eggs 2 days ago. She has been laying constantly since. How often will she lay, and when will her eggs reach full size? Thank for the help! Here is one of her little eggs now:
  10. Capto Veritas

    My 2 6 month old won’t stop screaming!

    It is so annoying and I can’t figure out why! It is so loud, and they keep gobbling, clucking, and screaming! We tried spaying and they stop momentarily. What should I do?
  11. Capto Veritas

    Best Hen Contest

    Hey guys! If you have heard of my previous and on going Cutest Chick Contests, then you should enter my Best Hen Contest! Like my other contests, there is a first place, second, and third place winner! It is just for fun so there are no prizes. Here are the rules: RULES: Only hens are allowed...
  12. Capto Veritas

    Cutest Chick Contest #2 - Ends September 1st, 2021

    Hey guys, last May, I held a Cutest Chick Contest. It was so fun, and there were adorable pics. There is a first place, second place, and third place. It is just for fun, so there are no prizes. Here are the rules: RULES: Only Chicks are allowed (under 2 months) You can have unlimited entries...
  13. Capto Veritas

    Help! Quick!

    What are my chickens doing! Are they okay? Link to video:
  14. Capto Veritas

    Growth Stunted?

    I have 2 5 month old hens. One, Jetta, is growing very well! The other one, Hershey the RIR, looks like she has a stunted growth. She was always the runt, and was pushed away from the food and water when she was a chick. Here she is:
  15. Capto Veritas

    Ear lobes?

    I know that chickens have ear lobes, but does my hen have them yet? She is 4 1/2 months old. Also, is this the spot where they will start to grow?
  16. Capto Veritas

    Is my chicken sick or egg bearing?

    My Black Australorp hen keeps sitting in her nesting box not moving a muscle. She is also clucking softly. She just turned 4 months. Is she sick, or about to lay an egg? This is her:
  17. Capto Veritas

    Egg Tomorrow?

    I have a 4 month old Black Australorp hen, and she is showing tell tale signs of laying an egg soon. She dug herself a burrow in her nesting box and sat on on of the golf balls I put in there, her comb and wattle are getting very big and red very fast, she just got a lot heavier, and whenever I...
  18. Capto Veritas

    Article Rating

    Hey guys, I just made an article called: “Black Australorp”. Can you please rate it for me? All criticism is allowed. Please give me honest input! Thank you!
  19. Capto Veritas

    Golf balls in nesters?

    Hey guys, I was just wondering if I should put gulf balls in my nesting boxes. I have a 4 month old Black Australorp and RIR who haven't started laying yet.
  20. Capto Veritas

    My chicken growing up!

    Hey guys, this is a series of pictures I took every Tuesday and Thursday of my Black Australorp hen. It hope you enjoy!
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