Recently I have been reading up on Green jungle fowl. A lot of sites say that the short iridescent green feathers on its neck are actually overlapping scales. Does this mean a scale pattern or that these are hard scales like on a reptile?
Indio Gigantes are not bred to a book standard but typically Roosters end up at around 10 lbs when fully grown. Usually anything less is from bad selection
I know of a couple genes which have unique permutations in broilers, the first being one on chr2: 143,708,896 bp G896A this gene affects muscle growth rate. The next being a mutation of the Chr4: 77,192,329 CCKAR gene affecting appetite. What other genes specific to broilers result in their...
Personally I'd like to only use direct Roman breeds. I do know that they were crossed with RIRs and Black Minorcas but that was after 1453 with the fall of Constantinople
After doing some research on Roman and Byzantine Roman Chicken Breeds I found the Black Shumen, a rare breed used by Byzantine Romans and Bulgarians. Lets say as a hypothetical I wanted to produce a modern Roman gamefowl and I crossed it to the Roman Pit game the OEG and their dual purpose, the...
The problem isnt inbreeding its excessive inbreeding, inbreeding is a tool for building consistency in a strain but its not a whole program. Its better to create a set of lines within a family to maintain a balance of both consistency and diversity the problem is people dont want to specialize...
I'm currently in Uni so i haven't been breeding in the last couple years since I'm away but I've bred and raised Silver Wyandottes and ko shamos since childhood
If you are breeding through an improvement program it's better to introduce diversity or improve traits through a subline and then to maintain both genetic diversity and the improvements keep 3 to 4 families in a maintainence program for clan mating. Once you establish a family and maintain a...
What you have to do is create multiple lines in one family and cull sick birds and lack of vigor. Adding new blood all the time destroys improvements and consistency in a strain
If you inbreed purely forultiple generations. Crossing however without a good breeding program and heavy selection would have the birds inherit those defects from both strains
Birds and reptiles don't have the same reaction to inbreeding as mammals do they can inbreed and linebreed for far longer. I think doing so could improve the size and confirmation of your birds. How many of their eggs do you hatch out in a year and of those what percent do you cull/breed