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  1. A

    New chick and needing advice.

    I understand! I'm not good with emergencies either!! However, she hatched 11 days ago and she is still here and running around like a happy little chick so between prayers, love, and the great advice given on BYC I'm feeling like I knocked this emergency out of the ball park!
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    Single silkie chick

    We recently had the same kind of experience. We were hatching four and only 1 survived. This single chick seemed so bored and so lonely that it was heartbreaking. After 2 days of watching her mope around I went to Tractor Supply and bought 4 chicks that were a week old, which was the same age as...
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    New chick and needing advice.

    Oh trust me, when I found the injured baby, I freaked out and was typing faster than I could think! Ha ha! Trying to research, and post a thread to ask questions, and do the nurse triage all at the same time. Needless to say, I was clueless and frantic!! I did get some very good info on my...
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    New chick and needing advice.

    @NatJ . Thank you for the reply! I waited too long to take action and one of the hens got in the middle of everything. I had one sole survivor that was pecked on the back but is being nursed back to health. It's been 9 days since it happened and little "Rocky" is a fighter and hanging in there...
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    Rough situation and need help!!

    Great news! I found some 1 week old chicks in a town 2 hours from me! I'm heading to pick them up now. Are they still young enough to be put in together or do I need to keep a divider between them? I don't want the new siblings to be picking at the wound. Thanks!
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    Rough situation and need help!!

    @Banana01: I couldn't agree with you more!! I have followed all of the advice that I've found on this thread and other threads throughout this site and my sweet little baby is still with us!
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    Rough situation and need help!!

    You are 100% correct. It has been a huge commitment, luckily I have 4 days off to tend to her 24/7. And also, yes she is the only chicky. I've checked the feed stores and the Tractor Supplies around our area and nobody has chicks. I was going to look on Facebook to see if anybody had some but I...
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    Rough situation and need help!!

    Thanks!!! I've put the ointment on her! I'll keep a close eye! Thanks again for all of the advice!! We've only had chickens for a little over a year and in February, a pitbull dug under the chicken wire and got 5 of our sweet hens. We reinforced the run with stakes for our remaining 6 hens and...
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    Rough situation and need help!!

    I'm going to take that as great news!!! Antibiotic ointment is going on as soon as I get my hands washed up!! Thank you so much!!! This precious baby means the world to me so your help is so greatly appreciated!!
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    Rough situation and need help!!

    I've been researching nonstop and am reading about iodine and betadine and all sorts of things. Do I need to rinse it again with one of those, I just got back from the store to pick both up and triple antibiotic ointment while I was waiting for a response. Or do I just go with a good layer of...
  11. A

    Rough situation and need help!!

    Thank you so much for the tips!! I have never had the luxury of having kids and I tend to be pretty careful so I've been fortunate enough to not experience much wound care... which is now a huge disadvantage! Do you have any advice on if this is in fact infected and how you might treat it if it...
  12. A

    Rough situation and need help!!

    Oh my gosh! I had no idea!! I just got home and it does look pretty yellow! Do I keep treating with vetericyn or is there something else that I should do?
  13. A

    Rough situation and need help!!

    Oh my gosh! The Nutri Drench did wonders!!! I diluted it and gave her one drop with a dropper and she must not have cared for the taste because she wouldn't try anymore but within no time she perked right up! She's been zipping around her brooder. Drinking and eating her chick starter. She's a...
  14. A

    yawning, leg stretching, and side lying

    Great post here! I have a 4 day old chick that's stretching out her legs often and was wondering if something was wrong with her. And the neck stretching as well! I am also new to chicks so I thought she might be doing it to offset some pain. Great reassurance!!!
  15. A

    Rough situation and need help!!

    Update... she survived the night! Around 10PM she ate a rather impressive amount of the egg yolk mash! At 2:30 she was chirping and moving about so I whipped up some electrolyte/chick starter mash and she ate probably 1/2 a teaspoon of that. At 6:30 I tried again. She drank probably 30 drops of...
  16. A

    Hatching chicks and need advice.

    Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, I peeked in to find the almost worst possible outcome. Three dead chicks and one that had been pecked on its back. I'm currently treating the surviving baby the best that I possible can. I created a thread under the "emergency" section and got some very...
  17. A

    Rough situation and need help!!

    Next feeding will be the mash with egg yolk! And I'll call our local feed store for nutri drench! If they don't have it then I'll track it down with the vetericyn. Thank you for those tips!! And to everyone else that has commented!! I really do appreciate all of the feedback!!
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    Rough situation and need help!!

    I've just placed order from Amazon and I'm going to make some phone calls to the next biggest town from us to see if I can track some down. I have read about sugar water, I wasn't sure if that would be better than the electrolyte or not. As for her sleeping, should I keep waking her every hour...
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    Rough situation and need help!!

    Thank you all! I will definitely track some vetericyn down tomorrow and order some from Amazon tonight so I'll be covered either way! It's reassuring to know that she won't starve from as little as she is eating. Thanks to all, again!!! I really appreciate it!!! I'm kinda freaking out because I...
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    Rough situation and need help!!

    Thank you so much for all of the kind words and reassurance!! She will take about 10 drops of water and 5 or 6 bites of food every hour then she lays down to rest. Is this enough to keep her going and try to get healthy?
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