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    I’m sorry for a repeat winter question. My guineas roam my 3 fences acres and stick pretty close to the house and the electric netting that enclosed the chickens they were raised with. They have a cheap run purchased from Amazon that no longer has a cover once they realized they preferred...
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    I kept them all in till they were done and they were fine. Every single one hatched. Lol.
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    We have had a hugely successful first hatch. 11 have hatched and 4 have pipped and one nothing. Should I take the 11 out? I thought it needed to be on lock down, but it’s a little crowded!
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    Thank you. Is there a difference between the paste and this? I have to get some and will make up a mash like you suggested. Pretty sure I’m dealing with round worms and thankfully none of these are molting.
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    Thank you. This is helpful. These birds are very flighty and not handled much at all. Is there a good option for deworming in their food or water? I’m I do have injectable ivermectin. 🤷‍♀️
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    I’m so sorry, I know this has been asked but I’m confused. If I buy this goat dewormer.. And I...
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    Uptight rooster

    It’s def a possibility, though I haven’t seen one. The kids did say there were some vultures soaring close by the other day.
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    Uptight rooster

    So the leaves have been falling, and my hens seems to be spending a ton of their time under the coop, seems like my roo is super uptight and warns them over the leaves falling? Lol is this normal? Last year we had a different roo and I didn’t notice this
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    Pale comb

    My sweet lap chicken seems to have a paler comb and waddle, what can I do to help her out or should I be concerned? She seems fine other wise, she just about at the end of her molt
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    Low temps at night

    It’s an outdoor free standing brooder.
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    Low temps at night

    They are in a south facing brooder with the option to go in or out. They do go out, but often go back inside.
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    Low temps at night

    I have 6 week old chicks that have had the heat light on only at night, temps down to 45 tonight and 33 by Wednesday. They have nice feathers going, can I start leaving the light off at night? I’ve never done fall chicks, so I’m not sure how to handle temps going down.
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    Not eating much

    She is. She started molting right when we separated her.
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    Not eating much

    We have a chicken that wasn’t that much interested in eating so we isolated her. She drinks and eats a very little bit and she started to molt right when we isolated her. It’s been a few days. Today she has green poop starting to stick. See pic. Any ideas? I’m deworming her just in case.
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    We are in unfiltered well water, but there’s no fracking near by. I did treat them for cocci after the second chicken was ill. I’m in WV.
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    We lost two chickens about a week apart, but it’s been a month since they passed. One we noticed being stand offish and so we watched her a little, then one morning she was still sleeping in the coop in the morning. I isolated her and made her scrambled egg, but she was gone by noon. The night...
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    Pullets and rooster

    I have an established flock of 16 hens and one roo. We have 12 pullets that are 14 weeks old and they have been hanging out next to each other, but separate for a while. I want to put them all in the same area and coop, but wonder if the roo might hurt the pullets? I really need to move them...
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    Resting after processing

    So I have read that many people let the chicken rest for 2 days in the refrigerator after processing. What does this look like with 25-30 birds. We have the freezer space ready, but not the fridge space.
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    Is this molting

    We are in the northern hemisphere, these birds are a year old and honestly I’m not sure they molted ever last fall as young birds.
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