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  1. Puddingtheamericana

    Ants swarming chickens head and neck !!

    update: she’s not eggbounded, i’ve checked her vent and it felt very hot, her crop is soft, she’s gasping, no discoloration anywhere on her body, no lumps or bump, and she can move her legs and neck but not her wings (she cannot stand on her own)
  2. Puddingtheamericana

    Ants swarming chickens head and neck !!

    I usually only post when there’s a problem with my flock that I can’t figure out how to fix. My younger brother noticed ants swarming our chicken’s head today. She was flopped over against the side of the coop and ants were swarming all over her feathers and neck and face. At first I thought...
  3. Puddingtheamericana

    Broody Hen Incubates Eggs

    the brooder is very large, can comfortably fit 6 teenager chicks. I just tried picking her up and placing her bakc down away from the eggs but she immediately went back to them.
  4. Puddingtheamericana

    Broody Hen Incubates Eggs

    One of our chickens is broody, so my family did something we’ve never done before, and we got some fertile trader jose eggs for her to sit on. now, she is currently in a big wooden box that we’ve used to brood our birds before. wood shaving nest with the eggs in the corner, she’s always sitting...
  5. Puddingtheamericana

    Is this duck egg fertile?

    i recently made a post about a duck egg i found on uc davis campus. so i have been incubating the egg for 7 days now, a week, and based on duck egg incubation progression charts i’ve seen there should be some noticeable veins by now. i cant really see anything, the egg looks like this when...
  6. Puddingtheamericana

    Abandoned egg found on UC Davis Campus

    I found a mystery egg on UC Davis campus, I’m fairly sure it’s a duck egg. I was recently at the UC Davis campus because my class was going on a camping trip and we stopped at a park/garden area for lunch on the campus. I noticed a lot of smashed and crushed white eggs along the paths in this...
  7. Puddingtheamericana

    Bloody falling apart eyeball, god help me

    nah it’s all good now she died a few months ago from something, she had been on deaths door for a while
  8. Puddingtheamericana

    Bloody falling apart eyeball, god help me

    update of wry neck chicken, she can walk around but still has the wry neck sometimes fumbles over. the otherday i noticed a bump like something in her eye, so i get a closer look kinding pulling at it thinking it’s like a bit of strawberry i just fed the chickens and i noticed, jeez, it’s a...
  9. Puddingtheamericana

    duck food recommendations & advice needed

    we have a local feed store real close to us but they don’t sell duck food only chicken and horse stuff. if i can’t find any duck feed online i might just get some chicken feed and brewers yeast
  10. Puddingtheamericana

    duck food recommendations & advice needed

    i’ve got two almost 9 week old ducks meaning i’ll be moving them outside and switching them over to a 13-14% protein feed since their adolescent now. I can’t find any good duck feed online so if anyone have any recommendations that’d be nice, preferably something i can order online. another...
  11. Puddingtheamericana

    Ducks afraid of people?

    i’ve got two about 5 week old ducklings and their completely scared of people. if anyone in my household tries to approach them, anywhere near them within 3 feet, all hell breaks loose. they’ll scramble around and run to the back of their brooder and scream super loudly. if their hungry and you...
  12. Puddingtheamericana

    Possible wry neck has suddenly developed on old chicken

    i have made a post about our chicken midnight before, her leg had stopped working and crumpled up and she couldn’t walk and then next thing you know she’s fine. she even looks dead and i honestly don’t know how she’s still alive. anyways, this time around i open our coop grabbing some eggs, our...
  13. Puddingtheamericana

    can i move my duckling’s brooder outside?

    their welsh harlequins, and i don’t think i’ll be putting them outside just yet, too risky
  14. Puddingtheamericana

    can i move my duckling’s brooder outside?

    i have two 4 1/2 week old ducklings currently in their brooder with a temp of 70 degrees. the brooder is currently located in our tuff shed and i was wondering if it’s safe to move the brooder outside into our chicken coop, but still keeping the duckling in the brooder with their heat lamp. i...
  15. Puddingtheamericana

    duckling won’t stop shivering

    thanks, i’m defiantly stopping with the cold water, seeing as their unhappy and unsafe. they just seem really bored in their brooder all day and swimming always made them happy- although the water was warm and cozy then. im looking into some pens so they can hang out in the grass outside without...
  16. Puddingtheamericana

    duckling won’t stop shivering

    i have two ducklings about 3 weeks old now, and I usually give them swim time. when they were tiny we’d do it in our sink so the water was warm, then we moved to a bucket in our shower. ducklings grow surprisingly fast and now we can’t really do swim time indoors anymore so were doing it outside...
  17. Puddingtheamericana

    When do I lower the protein for my ducklings?

    the brand that was 16% is MannaPro all flock crumbles, and the current feed that’s 22% protein is MannaPro duckling & gosling starter grower
  18. Puddingtheamericana

    Got picked on, bubbles in eye?

    that does NOT look normal. I had a chicken who started having bubbles in her eyes and I’m fairly sure she died? we had a lot of black chickens and i wasn’t very attached so I don’t remember to well but i’m fairly sure she died. I remember looking into the bubbling thing online it saying...
  19. Puddingtheamericana

    When do I lower the protein for my ducklings?

    i have 2 ducklings, both 2 weeks old now. we bought a 22% protein starter grower for them and they’ve been eating it for the past 2 weeks. I read that ducklings need 18-20% protein (22% was fine for me) for the first 2 weeks and then at 3-8 weeks they need to switch over to feed with a protein...
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