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  1. H

    Unknown plant from a bouquet

    2 years ago my husband bought me a bouquet of flowers and in it was this clipping and idk the name of it. I removed the other flowers long ago when they wilted but this one didn't change so I left it in water and after a few months it still looked fresh as if it was just plucked so I've left it...
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    Bloody eggs

    All flock pellets, scratch and greens from the garden once a week.
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    Bloody eggs

    Since this past Saturday I've collected 3 eggs that have come out with the shell bloody. They've all come from 3 separate hens, 1 white egg and 2 different tan eggs but each only laid the 1 bloody egg and the rest come out clean. I've never seen this before but I wanted to double check if this...
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    Ants swarming

    Can someone advise me on what I can safely use around my chicken's to get rid of ants. An ant hill has come up along the fence line of the run right next to the coop and they have been getting inside the coop but most keep swarming around the waterers. Normally when they come up around the yard...
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    Early weaned chicks

    Yes, I created a broody space for her and she left them there and went back with the flock, they just can't get up to roost yet so they're at ground level where she used to sleep with them
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    Our First Broody-Hatched Clutch!

    I think they should be fine, my coop is 2 feet off the ground and I put out cinder blocks for steps, my husband is gonna build a ramp soon but my hen took her chick's out and they couldn't jump back up the step with her so I sat and watched her and she would come back out after 5 minutes and...
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    Early weaned chicks

    It's the 2 dips into the upper 60's that I'm concerned about.
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    Early weaned chicks

    My hen hatched 6 chicks and she's just gone to roost and left them alone and all day kept pecking at them to go away. The chicks are only 2 weeks and 3 days old so I'm concerned they might be too young to be alone. I checked the weather for the next 10 days and we'll be having highs between...
  9. H

    Blue earlobes

    I created a post before to help identify these 3 white pullets and the responses were either white rocks or white leghorns. Today I noticed their earlobes are turning a light blue almost turquoise color. My pictures don't show the color very well but does this help identify which breed they are?
  10. H

    Hen sat on eggs for 4-5 days before abandoning. Would you still eat the eggs?

    We'll keep all the pullets for now and possibly 1 cockerel. My husband has a work friend that's been trying to get some hens but he doesn't have the necessary items to raise chicks so we offered some to him when they're a little older but otherwise they'll be part of our flock. We have no plans...
  11. H

    Hen sat on eggs for 4-5 days before abandoning. Would you still eat the eggs?

    I understand, I'm in the same position myself with a staggered hatch. I just had a baby in Feb so I stopped caring for the flock and my husband took over for me and I came back to 5 broodies and dozens of unmarked eggs. I moved 3 into broody coops and the other 2 I've left in their coops and...
  12. H

    Rooster defending me?

    @Ruby Rogue it is pretty funny
  13. H

    Warning dead chick question

    I found a dead chick under my broody and I'm trying to guess how long it's been there. Her chicks just started hatching last night or earlier today and this one looks like it was fully formed but it was flat and dehydrated and barely starting to smell like a dead animal so I know it's been dead...
  14. H

    Detached or saddled air cells?

    My eggs are coming from my own flock and they are fine when I put them out under the hen but when I candle them at day 7 some have detached air cells. They aren't fully detached but appear somewhat saddled. Is there any way to tell what's causing this and how to prevent it? Out of about 30 eggs...
  15. H

    Hen sat on eggs for 4-5 days before abandoning. Would you still eat the eggs?

    By day 3 I can see veins when candling the eggs so I absolutely would not eat them. I mark mine with a colored pencil cause regular pencil has rubbed off while they're under the hen. As a general rule, pull all the eggs daily until you're ready to let the hen sit, some hens may not be committed...
  16. H

    Warning signs before crowing begins?

    I had a bantam cochin that started crowing at 9-10 weeks and he sounded like squeaky door hinges so I started calling him hinges. His crow never progressed beyond the squeak but I had to get rid of him cause he got extremely aggressive towards me. Most of my cockerels are Wyandottes that we...
  17. H

    Rooster defending me?

    I've got a first time broody and she is the most feisty broody I've had yet, she attacks me if I go in the coop so I'm moving her to an isolated coop where she can brood alone in peace. Well today I was trying to get things ready so it'll be easier to mover her and the eggs after dark and I was...
  18. H

    Broody advice

    I don't know if it was a bacterial issue, it's just speculation on my part. I never toss out the eggs right away, if I suspect it's died I candle them multiple times looking for movement for a day or 2 before cracking them open and so far I haven't cracked a live egg and I sure hope I never do...
  19. H

    Broody advice

    I have 2 broody hens that were sitting on eggs, when I last candled them there were at least 6 eggs that were alive and now all the eggs are gone. The eggs were set on May 12th or 13th so this coming Fri-Sat would have been hatch day, my husband put them out this time instead of me and I forgot...
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