I did show them! They did pretty well, and I don't think the wings were counted against them since it doesn't affect the meat. Thanks for checking in! :)
I hope this is the right category for this question.
Two of my broilers have wings that are separated like this. I am showing three broilers at a fair, and one of the ones I'm bringing has this problem. Is this a defect that will get them marked down? The other two are not close in weight, so I...
I don't think it's coccidiosis because they've been on medicated feed (I know it doesn't protect 100%) and they don't seem sick in that way, but I'll keep an eye on it.
Today I loosened up some dirt in their pen and all five of them went to town with the dustbathing, but afterwards they all...
Here is a video with the shivering. I don't know if I captured the sneezing, but all it looks like is a little shake of the head. I also noticed two red looking poops, which I included a photo of as well.
(I hope this is the right way to include a video, I've never done it before)
I'll try to get some tomorrow. Their poop has been slightly watery for a while, long before the sneezing started, but I attributed that to the heat and them drinking a lot.
I've never had an issue with straw before, even with chicks. It has also been so hot that I can't imagine it has a chance to stay wet for long, and the enclosure has two sides completely open. I'll definitely examine the straw more closely and change it out tomorrow though, just to be safe...
I figured it wasn't "shivering" in the sense of trying to warm up, but the frequency that one of the chicks does it seems a little unusual.
I put down straw the day I got them and haven't changed it yet (they are small and the enclosure is very big). I also left some dirt exposed for them to...
I have five broiler chicks and they are eleven days old. I have been raising them in a 10x10 pen outside, with a heat lamp in one corner. Before I used it for the chicks, it just sat there open so my other chickens have gone in and out as they please. The reason I mention this is to say that the...
The guide is very helpful, thank you. It does say to feed broiler starter, which is 21-22% protein, but I am unable to find a feed that high in protein. All the chick starter I've seen is 18%. Is there a particular brand you use, or would you go for the 18% starter?
I will be getting five broiler chickens in a few days and I'm unable to find information on what to feed them as chicks. Should I feed medicated chick starter before switching to regular broiler feed? How long are they on chick starter for?
They probably should have gone out two weeks ago, but it's been so chilly and I didn't want them to get cold! (I should know better by now as this is my 5th batch of chicks, but I can't help it!)
Hi! It's been super busy around here lately. Just rehomed one of two roosters today. It was sad to see him go, but he will be much happier now that he doesn't have to compete with another rooster! Tomorrow, the baby chicks will be going outside and socializing with the older hens for the first time!
I thought about that, and I will be checking their vents later, but the bloody eggs were found in multiple locations. It is definitely possible though.
At the moment, it is just one waterer, but I will be putting another one in there soon. And I've had chickens for many years, and this was a one time thing with it running out (I know how dangerous it is for them to go without water). I can definitely check their vents, but I somehow don't think...
I just collected some eggs, and I found about seven that have blood on the shell. I haven't collected in two-three days, and I know that these eggs are from at least four different hens. I have had the occasional bloody egg, but never from multiple hens at once. I am a little worried because I...