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  1. Forkicks

    First Time For Chicken Having Worms

    Thank you all for the help! I have no idea what it was so all I could do for the first day, since I had no way of treating it, was adding ACV to a gallon of water. She finished all of that water off in a day. I cleaned her bedding again and she is doing much better the next day! I did end up...
  2. Forkicks

    First Time For Chicken Having Worms

    Hello! Today I noticed my hen, Peanut, was acting off. Later on that day as I was checking her over she layed a nice dropping at my feet and I saw it moving! After looking it over a bit more, these very tiny white worms were in it. I went to my local tractor supply thinking I could find a...
  3. Forkicks

    Adding a hen to a young flock

    Hello! Hopefully somebody will be able to give me some pointers on this. My parents have some hens and one of them gets bullied so often that I have decided to permanently separate her. Last time I tried to incorporate her into the flock, the bullying was so bad they removed half of her comb...
  4. Forkicks

    RIP Nugget

    Just wanted to come somewhere and talk because I'm sad, hah. There is this one hen I've had for nearly three years and I've saved her life many a time. She became my favorite hen! Started chatting with me and would follow me around. Last night was a very long day and I completely forgot to close...
  5. Forkicks

    Chicken Acting Dizzy (ish)

    Update: She is now in the "chicken spa" as I call it. Drinking the Layer Boost like no tomorrow. I'll probably do the sugar water tomorrow, just to give her even more of an extra boost. I'll be sure to pick up some people vitamins to have on hand in the future!
  6. Forkicks

    Chicken Acting Dizzy (ish)

    I'm at Tractor Supply now and am picking up some Layer Boost with Omega 3. Hopefully I'm getting the best one. After reading the back it does seem like the one with the highest amount of vitamin e.
  7. Forkicks

    Chicken Acting Dizzy (ish)

    She is about four years old, no egg issues that I've noticed. After doing more research off of what you said it does indeed seem like vitamin e should help. Where do I get this? 🤔 I do have hydro-hen but that doesn't seem to be what will help most? Thank you so much for your reply and help...
  8. Forkicks

    Chicken Acting Dizzy (ish)

    Good afternoon, I'm having an issue with one of my hens. She is acting kind of off balance and her head is tilting to the right. I was thinking it could be some type of inner ear infection which I have no clue how to treat or maybe it's something else entirely. I've called my local vet and...
  9. Forkicks

    My rooster was shot and is still

    Another update on Simon, he is alive!! I never did find a bullet wound so I'm gonna guess Simon's wing was shot and he just played dead. Apparently he is very good at it. The other day we had the garbage service come pick up our trash and after a very loud bang, Simon just dropped. I. Kid. You...
  10. Forkicks

    My rooster was shot and is still

    Also, the white rooster shall be called Steve Dodger.....will be called Bullet as a warning when he is getting sassy with me.:D:p
  11. Forkicks

    My rooster was shot and is still

    Another update on Simon. He is still doing well. I wouldn't say better, but he isn't doing worse. I wrapped his wing up and am going to mix some medicine with his water. Was thinking of putting a hen or two in there with him so he isn't so lonely, lol.
  12. Forkicks

    My rooster was shot and is still

    He is still alive! A vet is going to be too expensive for me. So, I'm just making sure he has everything he needs.
  13. Forkicks

    My rooster was shot and is still

    Giving everyone an update on the rooster, who by the way is called Simon. I decided if he was doing the same today I would take him to the Vet and just see what I could afford to do....he isn't doing well. My stepdad is now traumatized and is unable to finish "the job" and I certainly don't have...
  14. Forkicks

    My rooster was shot and is still

    None that I can see. I can't even see any blood, it's really weird. Although, I stopped handling him so much in case I would end up making something worse.
  15. Forkicks

    My rooster was shot and is still

    Yep, he is feeling pretty bad for doing it now. They were going to be meat chickens at first but when that didn't happen I started treating them as pets. So, I'm pretty sad about it. Weird to get so attached to this darn rooster, but I did. Since he is doing the same today, I'm going to call the...
  16. Forkicks

    My rooster was shot and is still

    Sorry it took me so long. Here is a picture of him. He is dragging his wing around and is a little wobbly. Still eating and drinking.
  17. Forkicks

    My rooster was shot and is still

    That makes perfect sense! Sorry, I googled chicken help and came across this website. First time here. I'll be sure to post pictures in the future for any serious chicken questions.
  18. Forkicks

    My rooster was shot and is still

    I went out just now to try and take a picture but he ran away and is in his coop. I separated him from everyone else since he is hurt. If he is still doing the same tomorrow I will take a picture and post it.
  19. Forkicks

    My rooster was shot and is still

    Looooong story short-ish. My stepdad decided to take care of our overabundant rooster problem. He resorted to the gun method and without telling me, took out four of them. Well, one of them that he shot is one that I wanted to keep, which was pretty unfortunate...I bonded with that darn rooster...
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