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  1. MonicaJoy

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Been busy growing chicks successfully! Hatching them in the incubator and selling the chicks. Also recently hatched beautiful guinea fowls.
  2. MonicaJoy

    Hatching eggs that have been In sunshine

    90+ degree Fahrenheit
  3. MonicaJoy

    Hatching eggs that have been In sunshine

    95 Fahrenheit average
  4. MonicaJoy

    Hatching eggs that have been In sunshine

    So my question is this….. can I hatch eggs that have been outside on the yard in direct sunshine for 2 days ? Or had the sun damaged them ?
  5. MonicaJoy

    Chicks dead in shell. Please help

    Just want to give an update here. I believe I had a very good hatch rate now. I hatched 30 eggs out of 34 successfully. I had the humidity at 50 and the temperature at 99.4. So I believe my problem was that I had the temperature too high the previous times. Thanks everyone for helping.
  6. MonicaJoy

    Chicks dead in shell. Please help

    This is the bator I have. I just use the instruments sensors. And I wonder then why the Manuals that come with the bator all say humidity should be 50-55. But I’ll have to try something different so that it works again
  7. MonicaJoy

    Chicks dead in shell. Please help

    Oh and someone asked how many successful hatching id done before this and I’m not sure. A few years. I keep the incubator going regularly. I’ve changed to a new bigger bator once but that was already before I started having this bad luck. I use eggs from my own chickens and also occasionally...
  8. MonicaJoy

    Chicks dead in shell. Please help

    During incubation I have the humidity at 50-55% and then the last 3 days I’d have humidity at 60-65%. Temperature at 99.8. My incubator has a fan. And the shells that I opened had fully developed chicks a bit moist but not overly so.
  9. MonicaJoy

    Chicks dead in shell. Please help

    Hello. I’ve been incubating eggs for quite a while now and my last 2-3 bunches I have about 50% chicks dead in shell. They’re fully developed but haven’t even pipped or cracked the shell. It’s heartbreaking to see all those fully developed chicks but dead 😞. What is the perfect temperature and...
  10. MonicaJoy

    Advice please.

    I can hardly believe how my gosling has grown. He seems to be healthy and thriving
  11. MonicaJoy

    Advice please.

    Yea well this one will be the children’s pet. The rest of the goslings that hatch I want to try putting it with the other geese.
  12. MonicaJoy

    Advice please.

    The gosling is improving and getting strong so well. He’s walking around and cries when I leave him alone.
  13. MonicaJoy

    Advice please.

    I think it’s too far to ship eggs from USA to belize
  14. MonicaJoy

    Advice please.

    I’m in belize. I wouldn’t mind what quail eggs. I was asked to hatch them to feed to hawks at a raptor rescue center.
  15. MonicaJoy

    Advice please.

    Awe that’s sad that it died. Sure must have been disappointing. I hope To try hatching quail sometime yet but it’s hard to get the eggs around here
  16. MonicaJoy

    Advice please.

    Thanks so much for this helpful info. I’ll post a picture of how he’s doing tomorrow
  17. MonicaJoy

    Advice please.

    He walks a bit but not much. But he holds up his head and is alert. Would you clean the wound area with warm water or something else ?
  18. MonicaJoy

    Advice please.

    Thanks. This is helpful
  19. MonicaJoy

    Advice please.

    He has eaten a bit feed and drank quite a bit vitamin water already
  20. MonicaJoy

    Advice please.

    Ok thanks so much for that info!
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