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  1. PhantomSlayer

    Anyone wanna talk about how high a goose can fly? Lol

    I became aware this year that Geese can infact jump. Atleast 2 feet considering our buff american goose Gizzy cleared a baby gate to terrorize a broody hen who we let hatch 2 of her goose eggs. We always knew Gizzy could clear some heights. Shes nearly hit the side of our house and nearly...
  2. PhantomSlayer

    Mites. Want to do full coop cleaning but situation not favorable.

    So we sold 2 goslings today that were hatched by a broody hen and the person mentioned there was mites in the straw. Last week I checked most of the birds for mites and didn't see anything that looked like the pictures I've seen. My mom is saying to treat the coop with DE but personally I don't...
  3. PhantomSlayer

    Natural stuff to use for and around chickens and geese.

    Weathers warming up and flowers blooming. Some of our hens are looking bare on their backs. But I'm suspecting more of rooster and geese damage than mites.. Were working on getting a goose pen built so it should help. Their run is almost all dirt and sand and they have some ankle breaking holes...
  4. PhantomSlayer

    When to assist hatching gosling?

    It started pipping yesterday at the top of the egg. Today its made a large enough hole to poke its bill out. But its been about six hours since. We can see its breathing and theres another gosling in there thats drying so it has a little friend to bump into it. I've seen some people say 3 hours...
  5. PhantomSlayer

    Good broody or bad broody? Also question about nesting box.

    I've read alot about broodiness and I can't help but wonder if this is a good broody or bad broody hen lol. To begin with. I didn't notice any sign of her going broody it just sorta happened that she was missing one morning and I found her in the nesting box. I gave her 2 goose eggs after one...
  6. PhantomSlayer

    Are these Goose eggs good or not?

    First ever egg incubation Started March 23rd Started with 8. #7 was for sure doing well but now I'm worried as I'm no longer seeing movement and I believe lock down starts April 17th? So I just want to know if I should continue or if their no good. My mom insisted I give #3 longer than 14 days...
  7. PhantomSlayer

    Cheap incubator to use as a hatcher?

    We bought an almost $80 incubator for goose eggs. We started 8 goose eggs but its day 13 and I'm almost certain out of the remaining 5 only 1 is good. Our goose Gizzy is still laying eggs so I'm thinking of getting a smaller cheap incubator to use as a hatcher for the 1 egg and use our bigger to...
  8. PhantomSlayer

    First time incubating goose eggs. A humidity question Toulouse/Buff American eggs

    Were incubating our goose eggs. We were hoping she would lay a few more before we started but its been 3 days so I don't want to risk the others going bad so were doing the first 8. I started the incubation with our incubator we bought two weeks ago. However I wanted to make sure we have the...
  9. PhantomSlayer

    Cold temps and goose eggs?

    Our Buff american goose Gizzy just laid her first egg today but tonight says its going 35 and even sometime in the few days colder temps. If she doesn't sit on the egg tonight I worry its going to freeze. Would it be okay to remove the egg tonight and put it back tomorrow? Or how do you go about...
  10. PhantomSlayer

    First year Goose suddenly acting docile?

    Our Gander is being territorial as expected of mating season but our female goose today is being unusually docile. As goslings our gander was the sweet one. Today was normal our geese really wanted to free range but we've been keeping chickens locked up so I managed to let the geese out without...
  11. PhantomSlayer

    After a hawk attack observation and treatment (Does not seem severe)

    We had a hawk attack today after a few months free of the last one. Our roo seems to be a scaredy chicken and just ran while our geese were sounding the alarm. But my mom says the hawk wasn't bigger than the chickens. The two that seemed to suffer the brunt of the attack is our two buff...
  12. PhantomSlayer

    Is it possible for a chicken to not like roosting?

    Our birds will be a year old this year and I have failed to get our runt Kiora to roost. I don't know why but our light brahma as well wont roost but I think its because the runt doesn't roost. I've only caught Kiora on a roost once during the day and twice as night but that was around...
  13. PhantomSlayer

    Am I wrong? Geese seperation from chickens

    Long story short a pair of 2 knobless breeds of geese need separated from chickens or theres a risk of the increased territorial geese killing a chicken. I believe its because of mating season. Theyve all been sleeping in a coop which the geese already struggle to get out of the chicken door...
  14. PhantomSlayer

    Metal coop insulation?

    Long story short we need ideas for insulation that birds wont eat next year lol. This year we gonna make do. It just needs to last us through this crazy weather and we can remove it because its no doubt gonna be molding by spring. But next year definately need something more permanent. Foam is...
  15. PhantomSlayer

    Can we talk about humidity in coops? For us first year keepers

    I've been doing alot of research into upgrades for our coop interior. I've covered roosts, isolation/broody pen, nesting boxes. While working on looking into what I thought was a final upgrade idea, lighting for our coop. I noticed a few high humidity issues from people because of weather and it...
  16. PhantomSlayer

    Nesting box ideas?

    Our dresser drawer nesting boxes failed. So I'm looking for ideas to replace it them cheaply. Eventually I dream of rollaway boxes lol
  17. PhantomSlayer

    EE change in behavior (Should I be concerned?)

    (Older picture) Our EE Goldy (The girl in the back by the chicken door) Has had an odd change in behavior. I'm trying not to concern myself to much since she doesnt seem "sick" but it brought up some questions about the change. First off I feel like I haven't seen any of her bluish green eggs...
  18. PhantomSlayer

    What does early frostbite look like? (For us first winter flock keepers)

    It's snowing here in my area of michigan and its the thick wet snow type. It's also our first winter with chickens. And with this wet and cold weather theres bound to be more newbies here so I'm wondering does anyone have like a guide or pictures of early frostbite to help us newbies identify...
  19. PhantomSlayer

    Favorite actions or sounds of your birds?

    Today I was reminded of how cute birds can be even though I'm sure certain ones aren't even trying to be. When it comes to sounds our rooster Roo while hes not trying to his little sounds of trying to get his girls attention and given them treats is sooo adorable! I feel bad for calling them...
  20. PhantomSlayer

    Soaking feed overnight questions

    I've looked into it and it seems to be worth trying. I usually feed 7 cups of feed daily. But that doesn't count the scraps/treats they get plus some free ranging. I've thought about increasing the amount of cup feed as temps get cold but I saw soaking the food overnight helps. Our last food...
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