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  1. 0ddyssey

    Raccoon attacked Rooster=broken wing & now drooling

    UPDATE: Just gave him some electrolyte water... He seemed to like it! His comb is actually looking way better than early this morning and he's getting feisty again... So either there's hope... OR it's like how people get really good right before they die. 🤷🏻‍♀️🙏 I'll be checking those links...
  2. 0ddyssey

    Raccoon attacked Rooster=broken wing & now drooling

    We'll try to heal him up, but yes, he most likely won't recover... But it's worth a try... He's still strong. 🤞 Not sure where it's broken... It's hanging at his side... Not super low... Kind of hard to tell. No, there's no smell... I'll check to see how his crop feels. He does have some...
  3. 0ddyssey

    Raccoon attacked Rooster=broken wing & now drooling

    Thank you for the electrolyte recipe! And link. 😉 Yes, I meant comb. 🤦🏻‍♀️ But to be honest, they both look wrinkly and dull. They were bright and perky before the attack... But maybe he's getting dehydrated?? I'll try that electrolyte solution and check out the link. Thanks!
  4. 0ddyssey

    Raccoon attacked Rooster=broken wing & now drooling

    No, didn't think about sugar water. What's the best way to give it to him? Just in a bowl? Or with a plastic syringe? And his crop looks more wrinkly than usual, and not as bright. I don't know if he's eating... Probably not since he didn't eat the mealworms I offered him. 😢
  5. 0ddyssey

    Raccoon attacked Rooster=broken wing & now drooling

    Our bantham rooster got attacked by a raccoon 2 nights ago. He was traumatized, but was walking around ok yesterday... Checked him this morning and apparently his left wing is broken and he's drooling. I'm so worried we'll have to put him down. We've had him forever, so he is old... Maybe 10...
  6. 0ddyssey

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Been ridiculously busy, as everyone else has been. And I'm terrible at keeping up with social media of any kind. I'm hoping to do better, but the holidays are coming, so... 🤷🏻‍♀️ Hope everyone else is doing well!
  7. 0ddyssey

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 03-22-24 Pic by CCsGarden

    A little privacy please! I'll be done in a minute.
  8. 0ddyssey

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 03-22-24 Pic by CCsGarden

    Go away! This is my bag o' dust-bath! Go find your own.
  9. 0ddyssey

    Chicken swallowed whole mouse - unknown if poisoned

    Hope your hen is doing well. I didn't even know they could swallow a mouse whole 😱 Or even that they would want to! 🤦🏻‍♀️
  10. 0ddyssey

    Our chicken swallowed a long stick!

    Just an update for anyone who's interested... Our hen recovered nicely. She's back to eating normally and acts like nothing happened. Softened food helped. Thanks to everyone!
  11. 0ddyssey

    Our chicken swallowed a long stick!

    I didn't think about wet mash. We'll have to try that tomorrow. Not sure about drinking or pooping. Not that we've seen, but she might be when we're in the house.
  12. 0ddyssey

    Hello Everyone!

    Oh my goodness! That's amazing that they respond to their names! I don't know how you keep that many straight. We started losing track with our original flock when we got over 15! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Many were just looking too much alike LOL
  13. 0ddyssey

    Hello Everyone!

    Thanks for the warm welcome and the well wishes for our hen!🐔❤️ (Turken! That's the name I couldn't remember 🤦🏻‍♀️ LOL) This am she ate 2 pieces of corn and walked away from the food. So I'm quite worried. I'm hoping she heals up ok. Not sure if there's really anything that can be done. I...
  14. 0ddyssey

    Our chicken swallowed a long stick!

    Well, this morning she ate 2 pieces of corn and stopped and walked away from the food. 🥺
  15. 0ddyssey

    Hello Everyone!

    I'm not new to chickens, but I still feel like a novice. Currently we have 5 chickens. 1 rooster and 4 hens. We used to have a ton of chickens, but over the years, we would lose them to predators. Now one of our hens and the rooster are the survivors of that original flock. They are American...
  16. 0ddyssey

    Our chicken swallowed a long stick!

    One of our hens (naked neck) tried to swallow a long stick or tree root. It was about 9 inches down her throat. My son found her like that when he went to feed them. He pulled it out and said that the part that was down her throat had red on it. (Blood & mucus maybe? I didn't see it, he told me...
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