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  1. C

    Grandpas Feeder

    My Grandpa’s feeder is not. The wild birds can only get in if the chickens open it for them. And they don’t do that.
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    Does chicken feed brand affect egg production?

    It hasn’t affected the number of eggs that I get, but it does affect the amount of poop generated. I get less poop with Layena than other feeds but the same number of eggs.
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    Moldy feed from tractor supply

    Be sure and check the manufacture date in the feed before you buy. I purchased a bag of Layne’s at TSC and it was moldy. Bag date was about 8 months old. TSC manager told me the feed made sit in their warehouse several months before the stores get it. It gets hot and absorbs moisture sitting...
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    Caught and Relocated a Raccoon

    I doubt this raccoon will ever see another trap, another human or another chicken. He is living on the Flint River now. Watch the following video. If you see any neighbors I’ve put in danger, any cities where he might travel or any other danger I have released on my fellow Georgians, let me...
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    Caught and Relocated a Raccoon

    My coop and run are secure. There is minimal threat from predators there. I see foxes occasionally and if they appear to be passing through and it’s not a repetitive sighting, I don’t kill them. If they approach the house or coop or I see evidence of digging, I eliminate them the next time I...
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    Caught and Relocated a Raccoon

    You can relocate raccoons here. You can’t relocate foxes. They (Dept of Natural Resources) only want an animal that has rabies symptoms or has attacked someone. Raccoons move in the evening and night. If one is out during the day, that is suspicious. If they are out during the day and...
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    Caught and Relocated a Raccoon

    I would normally eliminate threats to my chickens with a shotgun. We have a serious rabies problem in Georgia but this one was acting normal. He is now down near the Flint River which is a very remote area.
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    Caught and Relocated a Raccoon

    I saw a raccoon going up a tree near my coop last evening. Out came the Havahart Raccoon Trap, baited with dry dog food and a few marshmallows. This morning, the new inmate was resting securely in the trap. I loaded him up in the truck and took him out in the country and released him with a...
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    Skunk in my backyard

    The orange peel worked for me. I broke the fresh peel into pieces and scattered the around where the skunk was digging. The skunk left and hasn’t been back.
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    Attaching Plastic/Tarps to a Run - Show me your methods!

    I laid out my tarps for side curtains by attaching the tarps to 1x2 strips on the top and bottom. Then I attached the top strip to the coop with screws. i can roll up the “curtains” and hold the roll with chain on both ends. Attached is a photo with curtains up. The curtains are the green...
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    Best Products To Eliminate Chicken Coop and Run Odor?

    Oh, yeah, like rosemary thyme, I scoop the poop every morning in the coop. Coop is dry. I have sand in my run and it gets the scoop every day as well. Maybe a 10 minute job max because I check the girls over as they are getting off the roosting bar so that ties me up for a few minutes.:)
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    Best Products To Eliminate Chicken Coop and Run Odor?

    I use the PDZ Stall Refresher. I get it at Tractor supply. Works great, no smell.
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    Attaching Hardware Cloth to Run

    Hog rings for sure. Amazon has the pliers and stainless steel hog rings. Get a good pair of the pliers. It makes it a lot easier on you.
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    She has to keep drinking and if putting her beak in the water is the way to get her to drink, keep doing it. Try wetting some feed for her and making a mash. That may help her a bit to start eating. mine was lethargic for an extended period. She would sit alone and not mingle, not eat. I...
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    Start cutting back on the sugar water. Make sure she is continuing to drink regular water. She should start eating more. Sounds like she has started improving some. Consider giving her some scrambled egg to provide some protein to her.
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    I just double up on the 5ml syringe. After a couple of days, she should start drinking on her own. Her appetite should start to improve if she is starting to peck the crumbles. Hopefully, you will start to see more and more improvement where she will start to move around and be more active...
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    You can offer her some in a small bowl after she has had some water. If she doesn’t want any, give her some time. Getting her drinking is key right now.
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    3 tablespoons in 1 quart warm water. Mine had lost weight, pale comb and lethargic….just sitting in one place for long periods. She started perking up after the first syringe of sugar water. That will give her electrolytes and energy right away. I did that every two hours.
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    When one of mine was recovering from a severely impacted crop, it took a while for her to get back to normal. Her comb was pale, she wouldn’t eat, etc. I started giving her sugar water with a syringe which really seamed to help her energy. It also was a way to ensure she was not getting...
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    Need construction advice for huge shelf

    Great job. You are the bomb. Glad you figured it out. Great pics, too.
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