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  1. E

    Can’t find old post - pictures of eggs at different stages?

    There was a post a while back from someone who had done a necropsy on his chicken. He laid out all the eggs that were still in her system at their various stages. It was a very interesting photo and I want to send it to someone for educational purposes. I am having trouble finding it in the...
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    Convert old chicken run into garden beds

    Hi all, there was an old post about this, but it didn't have much info. We recently moved the chickens to another area and there is a large area of mud and manure (some wood chips) that I would like to convert to garden beds for next year. What can I do now to prep the beds for next year? Is it...
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    Chicken died - how to treat others so they don't get sick

    Update: she also has a little white stuff around her vent.
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    Chicken died - how to treat others so they don't get sick

    Hi all, we had a tragedy in our flock. One chicken started sneezing and breathing through her mouth. We quarantined her and noticed she had runny white poop, but she was eating and drinking and seemed okay otherwise. This morning we found her dead. None of the other chickens are showing symptoms...
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    Is this favus?

    Really?? But it looks so gross…haha
  6. E

    Is this favus?

    Just noticed two hens have white powdery cheeks. Picture attached. Does this look like favus and if so can we treat at home without going to a vet? Thank you.
  7. E

    Does fencing actually help?

    We have a 15’ by 25’ area for them to free range. It’s not feasible to cover it.
  8. E

    Does fencing actually help?

    Fencing for a yard. We don’t have a run. Guess I don’t know the terminology yet
  9. E

    Does fencing actually help?

    I just adopted my friend’s chickens and I am confused about fencing. We are in a small city in a suburban area. Nocturnal predators shouldn’t be an issue because we will lock them in at night. I am having trouble understanding just how much protection the run can provide. The biggest thread we...
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    One piece of advice for a newbie?

    Welcome home to these lovely ladies! I just adopted them a few hours ago from my friend who can’t take care of them anymore. There are nine of them and they are already laying. I’m a new chicken mom so - what’s your best piece of advice for a newbie? Any tips or tricks you didn’t think of before...
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    What to do with lone male coturnix?

    Thanks to all who answered my post yesterday. Long story short, an animal tore up our coop and all but the male were lost. He seems fine, just a few blood feathers ripped out, but we don’t know what to do with him. We do not want to get more quail and risk this happening again, but we know he...
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    Animal got to our quail - two injuries

    I culled the leg one. The other seems like he’ll be okay, I think just some feathers were pulled out.
  13. E

    Animal got to our quail - two injuries

    Unsure. About a quarter sized patch of blood. It extends.
  14. E

    Animal got to our quail - two injuries

    Something tore apart our coop and killed three of our quail, leaving two injured. One’s leg is almost torn off. The other has a bloody wing. We don’t know if any vets are available at this hour. What can we do? Cull?
  15. E

    Dead quail?

    Wouldn’t she have wounds if the other hens attacked her? They seemed happy for the most part. I am so upset.
  16. E

    Dead quail?

    Because I got them from a breeder who said they are all female. They also look like female coturnix quail that I’ve seen pictures of.
  17. E

    Dead quail?

    They are all brown, they look like this but this is an old pic in an old setup. They have access to oyster shell crumbles for calcium. What does a stuck egg indicate?
  18. E

    Dead quail?

    They are about four months old, all female. I can try and get pictures but they are hard to grab since they go under the lower portion of the coop (see above). They eat 28% protein game feed. If I were to open her up what am I looking for?
  19. E

    Dead quail?

    The coop looks like this and I found her under the wooden portion, but there’s very little clearance between their heads and the wood so I’m not sure if that would have done it?
  20. E

    Dead quail?

    Hardware cloth so I don’t think she flew up and hit her head but it’s possible I suppose
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