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  1. S

    I think Ideal Poultry sold me tons of roosters and I paid for all pullets

    I have raised chickens for decades and there's a bunch of baby roosters in here but it is what it is.
  2. S

    I think Ideal Poultry sold me tons of roosters and I paid for all pullets

    I have ordered from ideal poultry before and the pullets were actually pullets. This is the first time that they have given me straight run instead of mostly girls. The refund policy shouldn't matter. If you promise mostly girls, it should be mostly girls and they should be willing to replace them.
  3. S

    I think Ideal Poultry sold me tons of roosters and I paid for all pullets

    So I think that I uploaded pictures but I'm not sure. Ideal said they will refund the difference between a male and female so around a dollar or maybe a dollar and fifty cents and nothing more. There are definitely lots of males in here...possibly half.
  4. S

    I think Ideal Poultry sold me tons of roosters and I paid for all pullets

    They will only refund the difference of a female vs. male--which is around $1.00 per chick.
  5. S

    I think Ideal Poultry sold me tons of roosters and I paid for all pullets

    I have raised chickens for decades. There are lots of MALES--maybe half or more but only time will tell that. IT is very evident when they are compared to the ones without these large combs. Having said that, Ideal said all that they will do (once they are 4 months of age) is refund the...
  6. S

    I think Ideal Poultry sold me tons of roosters and I paid for all pullets

    Your chickens are very cute but it's hard to think mine are gonna be girls....there is distinct combs from the other ones their age on many of them...maybe half. The ones that I'm sure are girls have almost no combs at all.
  7. S

    I think Ideal Poultry sold me tons of roosters and I paid for all pullets

    Ideal Poultry said it is too early to tell males from females so they will not do anything. Not sure what happens in a few more months when these are roosters cause I am pretty sure they are boys....:(
  8. S

    I think Ideal Poultry sold me tons of roosters and I paid for all pullets

    I recently ordered all pullets from Ideal Poultry. It was my starting over hatch after getting rid all my other birds and quarantining for several months. They guarantee them to be girls within 90%. They are now a month old. I have three orders of different ages. The younger ones it is too early...
  9. S

    What hatcheries ship year round?

    What is your website?
  10. S

    MS Vent

    I am dealing with this right now. I can't sell or bring in anything new. I apparently can't sell eggs. They all have to die. I was telling them how 100% of my birds came from Ideal Poultry and Ideal does not test yet they don't care. My MS very well came from a hatchery and this is not fair that...
  11. S

    I can't get rid of Mycoplasma

    The disease went away after 2 days but, if you had done extensive research, you would realize that this disease never goes away. It's like having AIDS or Herpes. Yours birds always have it and it always spreads. The State of Arkansas has blocked me from getting new birds or selling any birds. I...
  12. S

    I can't get rid of Mycoplasma

    I have googled and almost no hatcheries test for Mycoplasma. Would you like to know the reason why? The reason is something like 70% of chickens have it. If they test, they most likely have it and then they can't sell anymore. That is why they don't test. Most of you have it just...
  13. S

    I can't get rid of Mycoplasma

    Nothing is sick. A mishap happened in bad weather and they got wet in the cold. I noticed a respiratory problem after that. It lasted a few days and I've never seen it since. Where I messed up is having them tested.
  14. S

    I can't get rid of Mycoplasma

    I contacted the company. They don't test for Mycoplasma so it might have very well come from them. It other less notable information, most of you probably have it also. It's MS and not MG so it's less severe and less easy to detect. It turns out around 65-70% of backyard flocks have it. Sad but...
  15. S

    I can't get rid of Mycoplasma

    I think you can only vaccinate against MG and not MS
  16. S

    Mycoplasma Question: For how long are birds contagious?

    They are contagious for the rest of their lives. Sad but it's true.
  17. S

    I can't get rid of Mycoplasma

    But the birds all came from Ideal Poultry. Why should I have to quarantine if they all came from a hatchery?
  18. S

    I can't get rid of Mycoplasma

    Months. Nothing but respiratory stuff like sneezing and it didn't last long. Yes, I had them tested and that's how I knew what I had.
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