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  1. ChickenClaw03

    Funny egg

    Maybe this isn’t available in some countries? I’m in Australia and this is quite common implant that is given to chickens, along with other avian species to aid recovery or stop reproductive health problems. If this was in any way too invasive, painful or traumatic for my pet, I would never do this.
  2. ChickenClaw03

    Funny egg

    The implant is something that has been recommended to me by multiple local bird vets, which stops eggs from being produced. The only reason I want the implant is because she has some sort of infection (or possibly a cancer). The implant wears off in 3 months, so it’s not permanent. I had a hen a...
  3. ChickenClaw03

    Funny egg

    She’s getting the implant to prevent her from laying. Had one for my other hen a year ago and she hasn’t been sick since. This hen is 3 years old.
  4. ChickenClaw03

    Funny egg

    Hi, My hen Queenie the Barnevelder has been acting lethargic after laying a soft shell egg yesterday. I’m worried she hasn’t fully passed the fluid as I found more in her poo today. I’m taking her to a specialist bird vet to get a hormone implant in two days, however I’m not sure she’s going...
  5. ChickenClaw03

    Comb fungal infection or just dryness?

    I’ve also used petroleum jelly on the comb for two weeks with only slight improvement. I’ll look into favus
  6. ChickenClaw03

    Comb fungal infection or just dryness?

    Hi, One of my hens has had a dry and flaky looking comb for about a month. I was wondering if anyone could identify if it’s just dryness in the comb after moulting or a fungal infection that I need to manage. I’ve been treating it with vetericyn spray currently, but maybe I need something...
  7. ChickenClaw03

    Chicken grooming behaviour

    Hi, I’ve noticed that my chicken at the top of the pecking order likes to clean the other hens when they have food on their beak. The strange part is that the hen with the dirty beak will stand still like a statue and let the dominant hen clean her (she isn’t distressed). Is this a dominance...
  8. ChickenClaw03

    Help with my silkie hen

    Normally lice are found around a chicken’s vent area, so I would check there in case. If you find lice you can use something like this product
  9. ChickenClaw03

    Help with my silkie hen

    The dandruff can come from lice biting the skin of the chicken or it can come from the growth of new feathers, acting as a protective layer. Is she growing or losing feathers? For the legs use petroleum jelly to kill the scaly leg mites.
  10. ChickenClaw03

    Trouble Breathing

    Is their breathing more heavy or raspy sounding, is their crest changing colour to purple? Sounds like they may have a flu or infection as it’s affecting multiple birds. If you have any chicken vitamins or electrolytes you may want to try that and see if there’s improvement. If symptoms...
  11. ChickenClaw03

    Tidbitting moulting hen

    Thanks, she’s a sweet bantam Phoenix cross with a unique comb. She follows me around the garden looking for bugs to hunt and is very talkative. She has taught the younger hens how to behave in a flock.
  12. ChickenClaw03

    Tidbitting moulting hen

    The funniest part is my higher ranking hen is the smallest in the flock. Good to know her behaviour is normal.
  13. ChickenClaw03

    Tidbitting moulting hen

    Here’s the little scrappy hen
  14. ChickenClaw03

    Tidbitting moulting hen

    Hi, My hen, Phoenix (first in the pecking order) has started tidbitting behaviour when food she perceives as ‘yummy’ is present (the other hens come and steal the food). The strange part is I have no roosters, who I thought only did tidbitting behaviour, while the other hens lower in the...
  15. ChickenClaw03

    Red leg scales

    So far the other chickens haven’t seemed to even notice the red leg marks. I don’t currently have Neosporin, but to do have vetericyn spray and petroleum jelly.
  16. ChickenClaw03

    Red leg scales

    Thanks, I was worried it was some kind of allergic reaction or irritant.
  17. ChickenClaw03

    Red leg scales

    Hi, I’m not sure if this is something I should be concerned about, but I’ve noticed that my Barnevelder hen has red marks on her leg scales that I haven’t seen before. I have checked my other hens legs and they don’t have the marks. Does anyone know what it is or how I can treat it if...
  18. ChickenClaw03

    Not sure what is going on with chicken foot pads

    It might be an early stage of bumblefoot on your hen’s feet. Try giving her an epsom salt bath in some warm water for a week daily to see if she improves. I’m currently treating one of my hens for bumblefoot using this method + vetericyn spray.
  19. ChickenClaw03

    Lethargic hen and egg issues

    I’ll ask if they can get one, that’s a good idea.
  20. ChickenClaw03

    Chicken has worms.

    My hens recently had worms so I had to treat them with medication. Not sure if this available where you are but it treats multiple types of worms and you put it in the chicken’s water. I can’t remember the egg withdrawal period, but I wouldn’t eat her eggs for two weeks just to be safe.
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