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  1. MandyMusshafen

    15th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    Just saw this! Awesome!!! Thank you everyone!
  2. MandyMusshafen

    Reclaimed fence panel coop

    Nice!!! That will help convince him! Lol
  3. MandyMusshafen

    Reclaimed fence panel coop

    I want a catio for our house cats too 😻...I'm still talking Mr Man into it!! I want an outdoor litter box set up too!
  4. MandyMusshafen

    Reclaimed fence panel coop

    Someone from my other post about the missing babies suggested attaching a couple pieces of garden fence on the door to overlap the gap, so that's what we did! So far that's helped! This coop/run isn't the one that was infiltrated though! This one is our large fowl bym flocks home. I have another...
  5. MandyMusshafen

    Black Bantam cochin paimt silkie mix

    That's awesome! Thanks for the info! This is the only chick I have from these 2 because the Silkie is perpetually broody! I'm glad this one is a paint! Hoping for pullet! 🤞
  6. MandyMusshafen

    Reclaimed fence panel coop

    We ran out of hardware cloth when I took and posted these pictures! I had to order more and we added it around the bottom and over all the ventilation holes and corners! We tack up boards to cover the corners in the winter for warmth and then we will take them off when the heat sets in for more...
  7. MandyMusshafen

    Black Bantam cochin paimt silkie mix

    Hatched this little cutie last weekend. It's a combination of my paint silkie hen Dottie And my black bantam cochin rooster Shaggy It's looking paint/splash to me. Will all their babies be paint/splash? Is there a difference in paint and splash aside from breed? And what is the silkie/ Bc...
  8. MandyMusshafen

    15th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    I have! 🤞
  9. MandyMusshafen

    Chicks vanished

    We actually had something similar happen last summer, and so we covered the entire bottom of our coop in hardware cloth. We never missed any eggs. And we haven't had any more issues since we moved mama and the remaining babies to a different coop/run. I feel like of it were a snake it would...
  10. MandyMusshafen

    Chicks vanished

    I would think snake also, but it got 7 chicks in the space of a few hours! Even if it could find a way in, it never could have made it out with 7 chicks in its belly by the time we noticed them missing. We had snake issues last summer, so we snake proofed the coop and run pretty well! I also...
  11. MandyMusshafen

    Chicks vanished

    Nothing! No holes or burrows or gaps at all! I also went through and reinforced everything before I put the chicks in. The only spot is where the door opens and that gap is smaller than my thumb! And it has a wired roof with tarps over the wire! I've never seen weasels out here, but it's...
  12. MandyMusshafen

    Comment by 'MandyMusshafen' in article 'Homemade Styrofoam cooler incubator'

    Thank you! I've now had my 2nd successful hatch with it, and I will say that the reptile thermostat has been a life saver! I went out and bought another one for my brooder! Good luck with yours! 🤞
  13. MandyMusshafen

    Chicks vanished

    We set one up that night, and haven't seen a trace of anything! It's so bizarre!
  14. MandyMusshafen

    Chicks vanished

    Also...we moved Dottie and her remaining babies to a smaller more secure coop with a little built in run. I hate to take them from the flock bc they all get along so well, but I don't want to lose anymore babies!
  15. MandyMusshafen

    Chicks vanished

    Thank you! The door isn't in the picture. I took the picture through the wire from above. The gap in the door is less than an inch...maybe enough to fit my thumb through, and we cover the bottom foot or so with bricks bc I was worried the chicks would stick their little heads through and get...
  16. MandyMusshafen


    I meant to post these all together
  17. MandyMusshafen


    Here's an updated pic of his handsome little self! 3 months old
  18. MandyMusshafen

    Chicks vanished

    I live in Oklahoma, way out in the country. We had SEVEN of our eleven 2.5 week old chicks disappear without a trace from a completely enclosed run today. There is no trace of anything, and no obvious entry/exit point. The only opening is a thin gap where the door opens and closes. They were in...
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