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  1. Eggsandbeyond


    You are such a blessing and exactly what I needed to get through this. So, thank you wholeheartedly. I am preparing myself for the worst, but as you said just enjoying every day I have with them all and not taking any for granted. I have one specific girl, she's a crossbeak and lived inside with...
  2. Eggsandbeyond


    Thank you. I'll update when I get the test results back, and I gave them corid the drench and in their water. So anxious.
  3. Eggsandbeyond


    I've been putting vitamin b2 capsules in an egg every day causing that bright yellow. But the blood just happened today.
  4. Eggsandbeyond


    Just noticed bloody droppings. Is this their body shutting down or a secondary infection of coccidiosis? Or maybe this is a severe case of coccidiosis? I have never heard of it causing these symptoms. (Leg paralysis)
  5. Eggsandbeyond

    Mareks positive flock

    What came of this? I'm anxiously waiting the results on my sick birds....been a mess for over a week over it.
  6. Eggsandbeyond


    I'm a mess so I can't fully remember what I've already said. So if I repeated myself I apologize. This is very difficult to have to go through I am sorry you've had to live with this too in your flock.
  7. Eggsandbeyond


    As of right now it's just these 2, they were from the same place. Same breed. I got a test kit to see if it is mareks. But I am pretty certain that it is. I've been such a mess for 2 weeks now going back and forth on this. They are my pets and I love them all dearly. I hate to see them like...
  8. Eggsandbeyond

    2 birds down....Mareks, vitamin deficiency, mycoplasma??

    Is any sort of improvement a good sign its a vitamin deficiency? I know mareks is tricky because every bird is different. But every case I've heard they die quickly from it.
  9. Eggsandbeyond

    2 birds down....Mareks, vitamin deficiency, mycoplasma??

    It's been a little over a week almost 2 now and they will slowly show progress one day and then the next seem the same as before. I have them on poultry cell and some b12 capsules in an egg every day. I ordered a testing kit through RAL lab. I will test for mareks and LL. Anything else I should...
  10. Eggsandbeyond

    Coccidiosis poop or intesinal lining?

    There is clearly blood in it this morning, I am starting corid. Thank you. Could you remind me the dose for liquid 9.6% corid?
  11. Eggsandbeyond

    Coccidiosis poop or intesinal lining?

    Each dropping is from a different bird in my young flock. Could this just be normal intestinal lining or the start of coccidiosis? They seem to be acting pretty normal- it's hot lately so hiding in the shade more.
  12. Eggsandbeyond

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    I'm sorry for your loss. You did try your very best, and so did she. I am here because I'm dealing with a similar issue with 2 of mine. Terrified of mareks. Pushing vitamins. Did any others in your flock develop any symptoms, or is everyone ok still? Thank you for sharing.
  13. Eggsandbeyond

    2 birds down....Mareks, vitamin deficiency, mycoplasma??

    Started out 1 of my amerecaumas was limping and wobbling around on their hocks. One leg seemed injured. Then his hatch mate is now having the same issue and off balance and acting like their legs are lame and weak and fall over eachother. They're in an XL crate in quarantine with food water and...
  14. Eggsandbeyond

    Vitamin treatment for paralysis... dosage?

    Any update on this? I have 2 birds showing similar symptoms
  15. Eggsandbeyond


    I watch everyone eat I like to hangout with my flock as much as possible and it's a time to bond with them so I do see them eating but maybe not as much as the "alpha" hens
  16. Eggsandbeyond


    Not sure if it matters but they are vaccinated and standoffish don't care to mingle with the rest of the flock so I am hoping and praying it's a vitamin deficnicy I am dealing with
  17. Eggsandbeyond

    Mareks or vitamin deficiency?

    Any update on your silkie was it mareks how is the rest of your flock?
  18. Eggsandbeyond

    Mycoplasma, Marek or Vitamin Deficiency?

    Can you give an update on your flock if you found out it was mareks or not?
  19. Eggsandbeyond


    Has anyone dealt with mareks and can give me some insight on the beginning stages? I have 2 amerecaunas from the same place a friend got them from a hatchery. They're about 4 months old now have been in my flock since 6 weeks. No new additions no change since getting them. 2 days ago one was...
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