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  1. NorthFLChickenChick

    What more can I do for my 3 week Sneezing Tweetie? Will this pass or is she in trouble🥺🐥

    Thanks for this feedback. Did some more reading and am going down the "allergen" pathway...perhaps it's the fine pine shavings? Never had an issue before w chicks and this, but I read that sensitivities exist, so I ordered a hemp that is made for chick brooders {low dust, no dyes, etc}. Will be...
  2. NorthFLChickenChick

    What more can I do for my 3 week Sneezing Tweetie? Will this pass or is she in trouble🥺🐥

    Tweetie Tweetie is my 3 1/2 wk old Salmon Favorelle chick who I just recently noticed with sneezing and guppy breathing over the past 2-3 days. I purchased her and six others last Thursday from a local chick breeder where I have purchased many pullets over the past few years with success. Very...
  3. NorthFLChickenChick

    Hampbar Chickens...who else has them?🐥

    Thank you for the response, and for sharing your pics...they are so beautiful!🥰 We really love our two girls, Penny and Peanut!💕 They are still a bit shy at 18 weeks (we got them at 12 weeks old), but they are so adorable and I love the little noise they make, sort of like baby duck sounds...
  4. NorthFLChickenChick

    Open Contest Official BYC Caption Contest Photo Submission - Thread #10

    My 12 month old Lavender Orpington, Willow (also the self proclaimed Queen of the Farm and puppy-chicken) meeting one of our new 12 week old Hampbars, Penny for the first time😶
  5. NorthFLChickenChick

    Hampbar Chickens...who else has them?🐥

    I got a pair of these little darlings with my chocolate Orpington chicks last month from a local breeder. I had never heard of them before, but they were so pretty and the breeder said they would blend well with my flock (Americanas, Orpingtons, RIR, Australorp, Brahma). They really are...
  6. NorthFLChickenChick

    Chocolate Orpingtons 12 you see a Roo?🐓😬

    Hi all! We adopted these babies a few weeks ago and they are just as sweet as can be! We aren't opposed to having a roo, and there is one that is starting to stand out a bit, am wondering if anyone else can see it? Red band=Missy Green band=Lucky Purple band=Raven Yellow band=Queenie
  7. NorthFLChickenChick

    My Flock Is Falling Apart😢 Is it Marek’s? Gleet? I’m Devastated😞

    Thank you for those references. I’m going to reach out to the breeder for further guidance, just to see if he’s had any similar reports from any customers in our area in the past year. He also rehomed our other silkie too, so if it IS Marek’s, I feel AWFUL😞.
  8. NorthFLChickenChick

    My Flock Is Falling Apart😢 Is it Marek’s? Gleet? I’m Devastated😞

    Hi thanks for the response. No other lesions anywhere, I checked. Her eyes are clear, she has a steady gate and she even can fly up to the roost (I do have a low roost as well if that becomes a problem). Is the SCC from the herpes virus/mareks? Or just straight SCC skin cancer? I feel awful:/...
  9. NorthFLChickenChick

    My Flock Is Falling Apart😢 Is it Marek’s? Gleet? I’m Devastated😞

    Hi all…I am going to throw a lot at you, so please bear with me and thanks in advance for your patience…I’m a people nurse and this is my second time raising chickens…but the first time was in a different state/climate with a few breeds and they were a breeze…now I’m in the south with all kinds...
  10. NorthFLChickenChick

    First Egg Layed in the Garage During a Hurricane 🌀🐔🥚 #ThanksIdalia

    Our hens are 22 weeks old, and although they’ve been squatting and checking out the nesting boxes, not one egg had been laid. I figured it was this God awful heat wave over the SouthEast US…until….We temporarily sheltered them in our garage as we were put under a hurricane warning w potential...
  11. NorthFLChickenChick

    Silkie or Orpington Roo ?? 8 weeks

    UPDATE:Gender reveal on the Blue Silkie at 19 weeks💖💙
  12. NorthFLChickenChick

    Is there such a thing as a “pre-broody” chicken???

    My Black Australorp is 16 weeks old, has not laid an egg yet, and when I let the girls out to free range and the others are foraging or taking dirt baths, lately this is what she has been doing. Also, very vocal and nervous around the coop, reminding me a bit of when my Golden Comets first...
  13. NorthFLChickenChick

    I lost one of my best hens out of eight tonight.

    😢 This is heartbreaking to hear, and reminds me of when I lost my favorite Silkie a few years ago…the weather was milder but the same situation, she was fine in the morning and even saw that she laid an egg , then in the afternoon when I came out to give them treats she was just laying dead in...
  14. NorthFLChickenChick

    16 week black Silkie- Gender thoughts?

    Hi there! I’m so glad you posted this thread! I’ve been back and forth with sexing my now 13 week silkies. At first the buff one looked pretty obvious with the red comb, wattles and streamers coming out at around 8wks. Still no crow but he and my blue silkie from the same clutch, while...
  15. NorthFLChickenChick

    Urgent: Airway/breathing obstruction or just Heat Stroke?

    Wow, ammonia, eh? That’s a new one, but I don’t doubt that it works! This time around we learned from our previous mistakes and created an impenetrable double layered system of hardware cloth and 2x4’s under the run and even between the platform of the coop and the floorboards. I spent a...
  16. NorthFLChickenChick

    Urgent: Airway/breathing obstruction or just Heat Stroke?

    I hear ya about the hawks, seen them flying up around the trees behind our yard…hear a lot of crows too though😀. We only let them out when my husband or my daughter or I are out, and we are training our shepherd…she is really good with them (see below). I know ALL ABOUT RATS😒. We had a 2 year...
  17. NorthFLChickenChick

    Urgent: Airway/breathing obstruction or just Heat Stroke?

    Wow, 3 Roos in a flock of 17? That’s cool, and they all get along well? I really want a roo for predator protection (and breeding someday), but not sure how my Silkie is going to fill that role🤣. We have two German shepherds and an old Florida cur hound, but only our young female GSD can be...
  18. NorthFLChickenChick

    Urgent: Airway/breathing obstruction or just Heat Stroke?

    Yep, hubs makes the dump runs too…have you seen the wild chickens that hang out there??🐓 Did you get your chickens from Charley’s in Baldwin or TSC? We got ours from Charley’s due to the variety of breeds available during “chick season”. I originally wanted to get a polish because they are so...
  19. NorthFLChickenChick

    Urgent: Airway/breathing obstruction or just Heat Stroke?

    We are literally on 125!! Right across the street from where they are building some massive solar plant (so we’ve just been told🙄)…no old roosters…all our birds are babies, I think only one Silkie is a roo, the other might be too…not sure…hope they both are…😍 Post in thread 'Silkie or Orpington...
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