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  1. S

    Chickens feathers looking ragged

    Are you still having the issue? I started letting the girls out free ranging daily for 30-60 min and it looks like they are starting to heal or at least not getting worse. I switched their feed today to an 18% protein food so time will tell I guess. Good luck to you!!
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    Chickens feathers looking ragged

    They eat Poulin Grain layer crumbles. They also get whatever table scraps we have that evening and oyster shells available all of the time.
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    Chickens feathers looking ragged

    They don't appear to be broody. No chicks either. I am located in Pennsylvania so we are coming out of winter where they weren't out of their run for several months. The run is 16'x4'x5'. Maybe letting them out free range for a bit every evening would help with the boredom. Thanks for the thoughts
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    Vet recommendation

    Did you ever find a poultry vet in this area? I am looking for one as well.
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    Buff Orpington not herself and clear liquid came out of mouth

    Yes I am. Her necropsy also says necrotic enteritis from clostridium related to coccidia. I've read a whole lot of vet journal articles (I work in human medicine and have access to huge databases of various journals) about necrotic enteritis and seem to have more questions now. I am treating the...
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    Buff Orpington not herself and clear liquid came out of mouth

    Update: she ended up dying 48 hours into this (had a big seizure and died) I sent her for a necropsy and prelim results show Coccidia. So glad I sent her in so that I can now treat the rest of the flock and change the way im caring for these birds.
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    Buff Orpington not herself and clear liquid came out of mouth

    I should also add that they have no access to food or water overnight so her crop should not still feel that way
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    Buff Orpington not herself and clear liquid came out of mouth

    She was the only one not out of the coop this morning. She looks better than last night however, she still occasionally open mouth breathe. She's still pretty chill for her usual self. Her crop is very large and soft, almost water balloon like feeling. I put out the Apple cider solution and two...
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    Buff Orpington not herself and clear liquid came out of mouth

    It hit 95 today but it's been getting down into the low 50s at night. That's the first hot day in a while. I just checked on her early this morning and it's not hot out. She periodically opens her mouth. I wouldn't say that it's with every respiration though. It's definitely not panting because...
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    Buff Orpington not herself and clear liquid came out of mouth

    Hello, I'm new to chickens and have encountered my first chicken ailment. The hen is 6 months old. She was out roaming around eating and I picked her up. Clear liquid came out of her beak as I picked her up. At first I thought maybe she had just drank a lot because I had just put fresh water...
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    Doesn’t look like a RIR

    I purchased three Rhode Island reds from TSC almost 6 weeks ago. I’m questioning if one is actually a Rhode Island Red and if it is a roo too. It is larger than the other two and has been since about three weeks old. Its comb and wattles started coming in much earlier as well. It has a cute...
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    New chicken owner in PA

    Hello all. I’m new to raising backyard chickens. We live in Pennsylvania. I currently have five 6 week old chickens and two 1 week old chickens. Four are buff orpingtons and three are supposed to be Rhode Island reds although I question that. We are getting our coop all set up now and moving the...
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