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  1. PoleFarm

    Official BYC Poll: Do You Wear a Mask or Respirator When Cleaning Your Coop?

    There are a group of us who take care of a flock, about 5 households. During Covid we'd clean the coop in pairs so we'd mask up and it made a difference so is something I've continued even when it's just me with my small flock. I'm exposed to a lot of airborn dust and fibers at work. The mask...
  2. PoleFarm

    How likely is Hatchery to send extra chick?

    One of the EE here just started laying green eggs too. Ahead of her 2 hatch mates. She's being very prolific. Nearly one a day!
  3. PoleFarm

    Roost question -placement

    Mm, good point. Back to the draft flanges on the doors. Thanks.
  4. PoleFarm

    Roost question -placement

    Plexiglass I'd considered. Shower curtains will stop the draft too? That would be amazing. Thanks!
  5. PoleFarm

    Roost and Mites

    A dust bag over the pop door is brilliant! Thanks for that tip!
  6. PoleFarm

    Same! Thank you!

    Same! Thank you!
  7. PoleFarm

    Hey there! Welcome. I'm new here myself. Thanks for the follow!

    Hey there! Welcome. I'm new here myself. Thanks for the follow!
  8. PoleFarm

    Reply to review by 'PoleFarm' on item 'Martin's Horse & Stable Permethrin Spray'

    "Shouldn't be used around cats. " How close? If my yard cat lounges on the coop step is that too close if I treat the coop w/ this spray? TYIA.
  9. PoleFarm

    No chickens were harmed - Raccoon swarm

    I know electric fences exist. It's definitely worth considering. I knew there were a "few" raccoons around. Seeing 4 of them give the coop the bums rush gave me shivers. I'll be looking further into electric fencing. Are raccoons as smart as the groundhog in the book "The $64 tomato"? That...
  10. PoleFarm

    Natural cat litter in coop?

    If you are interested in how feathers grow and why they are so dusty there's a video from an acquaintances' (Dr. Alan Brush, emeritus UCONN Storrs) research ; showing how feathers develop and when the keratin sheath "dissolves". It is that sheath, composed of skin cells, that creates a lot of...
  11. PoleFarm

    No chickens were harmed - Raccoon swarm

    Knocking on wood for and with you. The raccoons here don't fuss with the yard cat. I think they all have the same meal route worked out from house to house around here.
  12. PoleFarm

    No chickens were harmed - Raccoon swarm

    In my dreams.
  13. PoleFarm

    No chickens were harmed - Raccoon swarm

    Heavens no! I don't want them home hanging on my fence and trying to burn it down with their flame thrower, er, large gauge weed wand. Again.
  14. PoleFarm

    No chickens were harmed - Raccoon swarm

    Thanks for the tips. For real.
  15. PoleFarm

    No chickens were harmed - Raccoon swarm

    Oh, one neighbor turns me in the minute the daffodils fade and are just "weeds". I think City Hall is pretty bored with them.
  16. PoleFarm

    No chickens were harmed - Raccoon swarm

    I read somewhere the trap can be covered in plastic and hooked up to the car exhaust. Somebody else has a big rubbermaid trash can with a lid. Filled with water. There are ways and there are ways. At the moment the two traps out there have dried portions of ex raccoon in them. A friend...
  17. PoleFarm

    Rat snake here again

    aaaaand I'll be lining my coop with kryptonite.
  18. PoleFarm

    No chickens were harmed - Raccoon swarm

    WOW, wow, wow!!!! Thank you!
  19. PoleFarm

    No chickens were harmed - Raccoon swarm

    To mangle a quote; The price of chickens is eternal vigilance. Doing my darnedest.
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