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  1. K

    Neck injury healed but still no feathers

    I gave her a few spa day soaks but never really ‘washed’ her feathers.I used qtips to get as much of the dried blood off & since she didn’t go back out w the flock for a while, I didn’t care. faded fairly quickly. I only used Vetericyn on it & never covered it. Unbelievable how fast it healed!
  2. K

    Neck injury healed but still no feathers

    Thank you everyone for your replies. I STILL have her in the house but only at night (until her new coop is built lol). She is separated from the others in the run during the day but still no feathers & it’s been 4 months. I’ve tried things like socks & the vet wrap stuff. Bc her neck goes from...
  3. K

    Sexing Light Brahmas and how big can they get?

    My 1st Brahmas were from a hatchery. My 7 hens range from 4 Lbs to 8 Lbs at around 1 1/2 years old. I have 2 roos. 1 is about the size of my big hen but my other roo is 13 Lbs! Huge difference in their sizes but extremely friendly. My boys are quite the snugglers! LoL This is biggy w 1 of his 6...
  4. K

    Neck injury healed but still no feathers

    It’s been 9 weeks and it’s nice pink skin. There is no sign of ‘chicken skin’ (where you can see where feathers would come in). That’s only where her feathers are now & stops at the smooth skin…if that makes sense. Have you ever read about anything for a neck guard on here? I searched but never...
  5. K

    Neck injury healed but still no feathers

    Hi all, (Sry for the graphic pics) I have a year old Brahma hen that had a nasty wound on the back of her neck. She’s been in the house & it’s completely healed with skin. Problem is, no sign of new feathers. It’s been 2 months. If I put her back out w the rest, the 1st time my rooster gets on...
  6. K

    2 Brahma roosters w/ only 6 hens

    Oh no. How old was he when that stage kicked in? Both are so afraid of the girls lol. If anny of the girls even look at them, they’re off running like they’re on fire! The boys even sleep in the coop floor so they’re not up on the roosts w the girls. Still no crowing yet.
  7. K

    How old are brahma cockerels when hormones kick in?

    I was wondering how old brahma cockerels usually are when their hormones start showing. (Sry idk what else to call it). I know they’re slow to mature but my brahma girls started laying early so wasn’t sure w cockerels. I was told it’s bc they’re hatchery chicks. Any help is much appreciated!
  8. K

    2 Brahma roosters w/ only 6 hens

    I didn’t want any roosters so ordered all pullets. I started hoping 1 would up being a cockerel. Nope, all girls. I saved the ‘lil chick, then got it a friend (both labeled “pullets”) ended up the 2 are cockerels. LoL I’ve been told they ‘should’ stay pretty laid back & nice bc of the breed, but...
  9. K

    2 Brahma roosters w/ only 6 hens

    Thank you for your response. Honestly, I didn’t really a chicken could be neutered lol Guess I’ll need to make some plans!
  10. K

    2 Brahma roosters w/ only 6 hens

    Thank you. That’s what I thought. 😕 I told my hubby I need to get 20 more chickens. LoL.
  11. K

    2 Brahma roosters w/ only 6 hens

    Hi all, I have 6 laying light Brahmas (6 months old). I ended up picking up a lil baby chick (also LB) w terrible pasty butt from a farm store. Well, it needed a friend so I picked up another LB (they are 11 & 14 weeks old now). Turns out they’re both cockerels. My intentions were to give the...
  12. K

    Single light Brahma chick

    So I’ve looked around here for another Brahma this 1s age. Very limited here & couldn't find any. Hatchery’s have a minimum so I’m not doing that. She was nonstop chirping when she was alone in her brooder (I do have her out quite a bit) but knew she was lonely. W/ no chick to be found for her...
  13. K

    Light Brahma roo question

    Thanks everyone for your replies! I appreciate it so much! I’m done driving myself nuts about her 😂🤣
  14. K

    Single light Brahma chick

    Hi all! I was picking up feed at TSC when I saw they had 1 single Brahma chick left w horrible pasty butt. I told the worker but nothing was done so I grabbed her up. I’m guessing she’s maybe a week old. She’s way to small to go out w my almost 5 month old Brahmas so she’s in the house in a...
  15. K

    Light Brahma roo question

    Thank you for your reply! Idk if the things I mentioned are even normal roo things. This 1 is just the odd ball from the other 5. Got me curious. LoL
  16. K

    Light Brahma roo question

    Hi all! Would a light Brahma roo have definite saddle and hackle feathers by 16 weeks old? I still have this 1 (out of 6) that should be a pullet (& probably is) but is bigger then the rest, walks more upright, the others show they are it’s boss & is much more inquisitive, Idk if that’s a roo...
  17. K

    13 week light Brahma chickens males or females

    Thank you. I know time will tell 🙂 I read something about boys having 3 rows on their comb (a center comb & a row of bumps on each side) & girls only having just 1. That’s why I started down this rabbit hole 😆 Thanks again for the info!
  18. K

    13 week light Brahma chickens males or females

    Thank you for your reply. I ordered all females but would be ok if I ended up with a rooster. I go back and forth daily with my guess lol.
  19. K

    13 week light Brahma chickens males or females

    For weeks I’ve been comparing photos of my babies to others on here. I’m still so confused 🫤 I have 6 light Brahma chickens that are 13 weeks old from a hatchery. I won’t photo bomb w all 6 chicken pics lol, I’ll only do 3 to see if anyone can help. Thanks in advance for any help! 😬
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