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  1. P

    Thin egg shell, breaking in nesting box, but has oyster shells

    Thanks for this! It happened for about a week but now her eggs haven't been maybe it was something they found to eat around the yard but haven't had it recently? I google plants/veggies high in oxalic acid and see if I can think of any they maybe ate. Thanks!
  2. P

    Thin egg shell, breaking in nesting box, but has oyster shells

    Thank you, this is helpful! I will look into getting some calcium citrate. I am totally OK with less eggs I just want to make sure she's OK and not in any pain or anything. Also its kind of a mess sometimes but again just want to make sure she's OK.
  3. P

    Thin egg shell, breaking in nesting box, but has oyster shells

    I have an approximate 1 year old hen (not sure of breed, possibly Dominique possibly a Cuckoo Maran) who has always laid really large eggs compared to my other chickens (different breeds) but recently she's had really thin eggs and many are breaking in the nesting box before I collect. They have...
  4. P

    Letting chickens into the yard and safety of consuming eggs if chickens eat odd plants

    Sorry if this isn't the best forum for this - I've started to let my chickens out in the yard more, only about a hour a day. They are provided layer feed and treats otherwise. I noticed today that one chicken while out maybe ate a wisteria seed. I've read mixed things on if this is toxic, seems...
  5. P

    Possibly early stage frostbite? But now above freezing

    Hi - Thank you all again for help on this! This group is so helpful! I did end up also sending pictures to the vet that's seen a few of my chickens before and he prescribed a silver sulfadiazine ointment. It seems to be helping it heal quickly. He recommended egg withdrawal / not eating the...
  6. P

    Possibly early stage frostbite? But now above freezing

    Thank you! Super helpful! Is it ok that's she's still in the coop (at night, completely enclosed, ventilated) and in the run (covered)? Ive seen some things saying you want to wait till its 50 out / or they're healed, but if the fear is re-freezing and temperatures are above freezing (35) is it...
  7. P

    Possibly early stage frostbite? But now above freezing

    Hi all - I think this could be early stage/ mild frostbite? See pictures. My copper rock maran (biggest comb of my flock) has a white, pale blistery comb in spots currently. I know last stage frostbite is black, but is this early stages? It has been teens to low 20s for the last 3+ days. I would...
  8. P

    Too cold? Sudden cold snap

    thank you both! They are young adult ladies and healthy. I think the ventilation is OK; there's no moisture in the coop that I can see / no condensation on the windows. There is a little bit of opening near the roof too. But I do worry that maybe this is frostbite on the combs (see pictures -...
  9. P

    Too cold? Sudden cold snap

    Hello, I've seen a lot of discussions about cold weather but could use some reassurance. And I know it's likely even colder else where but I worry about how sudden it got so cold. I'm in Seattle and it went from 40 degrees two nights ago to a low of 13 degrees tonight (feels like temp is even...
  10. P

    Heat and Seattle and 12-week old chickens

    Hi, I'm new to chicken raising and there is a heat wave currently happening in Seattle - so around 90 degrees for a large chunk of the afternoon and only cooling off to 70s at night. The chickens have shade and I keep giving them fresh water and electrolytes and frozen treats but they are...
  11. P

    1 chick of 5 not feathered out, what to move outside

    I hope it’s not male! Any other signs I can look for? Where the waddle will be doesn’t look very red
  12. P

    1 chick of 5 not feathered out, what to move outside

    Thanks everyone! If it’s actually more like 55 in the coop (tested temps last night) probably ok still? What’s the lowest without supplemental heat? Also I hope the Wyandotte isn’t male! Thanks!
  13. P

    1 chick of 5 not feathered out, what to move outside

    Hi, I’m new to the forum and to chickens! I have 5 chicks that are a few days over 6 weeks old now. All are different breeds. I want to move them outside as I think they need more space and most are fully feathered. I do have one though, the Wyandotte that still has some down and baldish patches...
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