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  1. H

    Duckweed from septic lagoon?

    My lagoon is not aerated, but there are quite a few turtles and such that seem to happily live in it. I have seen a few snakes swimming through as well, but I assume they aren't there for very long. I do have a worming system, so not really concerned on that front. Mostly worried about...
  2. H

    Barring Genes through Different Breeds

    Decisions, decisions.... might have to split it down the middle and see how that works out
  3. H

    Duckweed from septic lagoon?

    I have a septic lagoon that is thickly covered with duckweed. By all accounts, duckweed is a great source of protein, and readily available to me. I have also had people tell me that the top three feet of water in a septic lagoon is clean enough to drink (won't be doing that). I have a septic...
  4. H

    Barring Genes through Different Breeds

    I've sort of just got an assortment, from sales at feed stores and stuff. Several Australorps and Black Sex Links, a couple Buff Orpingtons, Golden Comets, Gold Laced Wyandottes. I've also got about 100 RIR crosses that are four weeks old, because I was incubating them for someone who never...
  5. H

    Barring Genes through Different Breeds

    I've got a cabinet incubator with six trays, so even if the eggs are distinctive (or if the eggs are, the babies would have to be), that would be enough for me to narrow it down. Part of this is that I've got about 15 hens at the moment that are none of these breeds, so I would essentially be...
  6. H

    Barring Genes through Different Breeds

    Yeah, I think I'll have a decent market for selling live roosters to local community (currently am doing rooster pick up occasionally for three people, when they ask). But they are looking more for a larger sized, not very old bird. They seem to prefer 6 to 7 months, and hate the CC...
  7. H

    Barring Genes through Different Breeds

    That was what I was thinking as well, just didn't want to be replacing most of my current flock if I was thinking about it incorrectly lol. But I might try finding some barred rocks at a feed store and seeing how those turn out (I haven't seen many of the other breeds being sold locally, and...
  8. H

    Barring Genes through Different Breeds

    Hi all, I've got Cream Legbars (which are barred and therefore autosexing). I also have an assortment of non-CL hens currently, and I sell EE chicks in addition to pure CL chicks. I've tried looking into the barring gene for different breeds, and there's so much conflicting info out there...
  9. H

    Should I ship hatching eggs or pre-hatched chicks?

    I ship hatching eggs at the moment. People say that selling chicks isn't that complicated, but I've been too nervous to try that, yet. (Plus I don't quite have the flock to support shipping live chicks yet... so maybe in the future). Shipping eggs isn't the easiest thing, but I've shipped...
  10. H

    Cream Legbar Hen or Roos - Day Old

    As an update (because I know I've scoured the internet before and wanted updates), these are the same chicks at a week old. Color changed a lot, made it more obviously one rooster and one hen. Also, if anyone is interested in Cream Legbar hatching eggs, shoot me a message!
  11. H

    Cream Legbar Hen or Roos - Day Old

    That's also my best guess, but I figured I'd ask others as well. The third one is very clearly a hen, but she didn't dry off well and I cleaned off her eyes, so I didn't post her since she doesn't look quite as cute and fluffy lol.
  12. H

    Cream Legbar Hen or Roos - Day Old

    There are three cream legbars, the other two are half silkie, half legbar (broody mama was a silkie, figured she should get a few of her own babies too). One of the legbars is obviously a hen, no head spot and dark stripes. The other two (pictured) are questionable. Both have stripes down their...
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