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  1. K

    Chicken Diapers

    Not sure this is the right forum but I also didn’t know where to put it. Does anyone have suggestions on where to get chicken diapers? I have one hen that seems set on being inside. She always has one problem or another and ends up getting a bath and to come in. I’m using face masks right now...
  2. K

    What’s wrong with my leghorns comb?

    After bad storms and just feeding and watering them for 2 days I came out to clean up and my leghorns comb looks like this. None of the other chickens have issues there combs look normal and bright colored. There is nothing hot or electric to burn it on. I can’t find any other issues or...
  3. K

    Angel wing in call ducks

    Hopefully this works he escaped the pantyhose pretty quickly
  4. K

    Angel wing in call ducks

    How cute I’ll try the socks he was too tiny and got out of the pantyhose quickly lol I think two are blue Swedish one is chocolate and one is black but I’m not sure they were in a dozen mixed call duck eggs and I’m not good at telling
  5. K

    Angel wing in call ducks

    Thanks once he’s all dry I’ll try the panty hose
  6. K

    Angel wing in call ducks

    I have four baby call ducks they are about 1 month old now. One looks like it’s starting to get angel wing. They have only been on duck food and have only had duck eggs as a treat. Should I add something else to their diet and should I wrap it. I’m attaching a pic sorry he’s wet they were...
  7. K

    Assisted call duck hatch

    I had to assist all of them. It was my first time and they got shrink wrapped when I opened it to help the first one that started early. However they all made it! So that’s good one has a messed up bill but is drinking on its own.
  8. K

    Assisted call duck hatch

    Ok so first time with call duck eggs I have 7 eggs but on day 25 when I took out the turner it looked like only 4 were alive but I’m new to this so don’t want to completely give up. However after work yesterday on day 26 I noticed two pips around 8 pm and in the morning 4 pips The around 2p...
  9. K

    When to put outside/ how to chicks to flock?

    It’s in the 40’s at night and the heat lamp is very secure. Locked in place with a clamp and only touching metal. I built the run with putting it there in mind.
  10. K

    How to know when a duck is ready to lay on eggs?

    It’s been 4 days since I started leaving the eggs. She has 16eggs and still isn’t laying on them I’m not sure how long to wait. lol she guards them and gathers them up but isn’t sitting. I marked the eggs today and I’ll give her a bit more time I guess
  11. K

    When to put outside/ how to chicks to flock?

    They have only seen and heard each other no actual contact. The main coop has a larger run, 8x6 attached to the coop and a 13x 9 added on. So 165sq feet all together. Space shouldnt be a problem in there. Just worry bc my hens can be bullies I had to separate the bantams already bc of it
  12. K

    When to put outside/ how to chicks to flock?

    Ok so I work at a farm store and I bought a bunch of chicks that are different ages. Currently I have a very large coop with just my 6 laying hens and and small 3x 10 run with some 9 1/2wk old barred rocks I hatched. And I have some 5wk old Chicks inside I think may be ready to go out. The...
  13. K

    How to know when a duck is ready to lay on eggs?

    I have 4hens and a drake and all the ducks are laying now they are about 7months old. I’m not sure how there fertiity is a friend tried to hatch a dozen of my eggs and only 3 developed and one died. I warned her they had just started laying and she didnt pay for them just wanted to try. But one...
  14. K

    Duck Eggs

    they are only 6months
  15. K

    Duck Eggs

    Hey guys! My ducks just started laying I have 4 female and it seems maybe two are laying? The eggs look identical are usually in the bottom nesting box (the chickens won’t use) or on the ground and are a little different from the chicken eggs. But they are the same size as the chicken eggs and...
  16. K

    Advice on Hatcher for mixed breeds

    Thank you I actually found a local feed store that posts what they will be getting and they are getting most the breeds I want. I actually work at Tsc and the only issue is they don’t know what breeds we will get and Have a four chick minimum at a time. But being here I’m sure I’ll end up with...
  17. K

    Advice on Hatcher for mixed breeds

    Thanks everyone! I’m glad to know some don’t have a breed minimum at all. I’ll compare these with the breeds I want and prices. I’m confused why some care about how many of each breed instead of just quantity of the total order but I’m glad to know there is options that don’t
  18. K

    Advice on Hatcher for mixed breeds

    I want to add several breeds to my flock this year and only want a few of each. Anyone have advice or reviews on a hatchery that at is good for this? Crackle hatchery has a 3 bird min per breed and I found a Valley hatchery that does as well but never heard of them. Anyone know of a hatchery...
  19. K

    First time incubating eggs

    Got home today to four healthy looking, as far as I can tell, chicks the last two eggs are pipped! How long should I leave the shells in there?
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