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  1. Aardyn

    How do you store your feed/scratch?

    I use these 10 gallon cans. I have two of them, one for feed one for scratch, any left over that doesn't fit usually fit in their feed bucket.
  2. Aardyn

    Just sharing photos.

    aww cute chickies
  3. Aardyn

    My roosters injured a hawk what do I do?

    I'm so proud of your chickens for the rescue of their flock-mate, and now there is one less predator in the area to worry about. It's so great that the one that was attacked is doing okay as well.
  4. Aardyn

    Karen or Kevin?

    Looks like a Kevin to me. Those are some very pointy saddle feathers. Not to mention the crowing, which is my usual "yeah, no I've got a rooster."
  5. Aardyn


    Nice to have you here. Chicks are so cute! I have no idea what they are going to be other than cute but you got this.
  6. Aardyn


    Nice to meet you.
  7. Aardyn

    Hello Everyone 🌻 🌼

  8. Aardyn

    New Member

    Welcome! So sorry about the loss of your hens and roo, I've lost some chickens and its always sad.
  9. Aardyn

    Is this chick a Roo??

    Looks like a roo to me.
  10. Aardyn


    Nice to meet you :) Love the chicken pics, I also tend to take them all the time lol.This would be today's begging shot as the wander up to the back porch for possible treats.
  11. Aardyn

    Washing before eating

    When I want to make and eat raw cookie dough I'll pasteurize my eggs first with a sous vide at 135F for 75 minutes. They do end up looking a little milky inside but for what I'm using them for it doesn't matter.
  12. Aardyn

    Washing before eating

    I only wash mine if they are dirty
  13. Aardyn

    New here

    Nice to meet you. Love the flock pic, your roo has such a pretty orange.
  14. Aardyn


    nice to meet you.
  15. Aardyn

    healthy chick making a different kind of sound than the other chicks

    I had a Fayoumi that sounded a lot like that. I used to call it her attitude voice, she made that sound most often when she was telling me she was bored and would like to come out of the run and wander the yard now.
  16. Aardyn

    New Member

    Nice to meet you
  17. Aardyn

    Hello from Oklahoma!

  18. Aardyn

    The Cornerlot homestead

  19. Aardyn


  20. Aardyn

    Incubating quail egg in bra (and it's working?)

    lol that reminds me of when we found a 3 week old kitten in the road in the rain. She crawled into my bra and stayed there under by boobs for days before she was willing to come out on her own for more than just food.
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