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  1. C

    Is my chicken a hen or a rooster?

    We assuming around 15 weeks old
  2. C

    Is my chicken a hen or a rooster?

    Even if it squats and pushes out? 🙈
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    Is my chicken a hen or a rooster?

    Good day I hope you all are well I promise this is the last time I annoy you all with my questions. 😂 I have another chicken I am very uncertain of and would appreciate your assistance. She was sold to us as a black leghorn hen but we think she's a rooster. She squats with her tail up buttttt...
  4. C

    Is our Easter Egger chicken a hen or rooster?

    Is this one also a rooster?
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    Is our Easter Egger chicken a hen or rooster?

    Thank you so much I really appreciate it, just upsetting as we are not allowed to keep roosters
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    Is our Easter Egger chicken a hen or rooster?

    "She" is currently 20 weeks old and isn't showing any behavioral characteristics of a male (no crowing, no mounting, no dancing) could it still be male? 🥲
  7. C

    Is our Easter Egger chicken a hen or rooster?

    Good day I hope all is well We are fairly new to chickens and would like to hear what you all think of our EE. Hoping she is a hen but she has pointy saddle feathers. The rest of her features we hope are female. Thanking you in advance
  8. C

    Leghorn rooster or hen?

    She has started mounting the other hens now so I am a bit worried it is not a female? She is our newest chicken to the flock and hasnt crowed yet.
  9. C

    Leghorn rooster or hen?

    Just one leghorn, the rest are other breeds
  10. C

    Leghorn rooster or hen?

    Good Day We have a leghorn at home and we aren't allowed to keep roosters. Kindly needing assistance as to whether this one is a rooster or a hen. It has the long neck and bottom tail feathers of a rooster but has the back and tail of a hen? We are so uncertain and need help. We unfortunately...
  11. C

    Anyone know what breed she is?

    Good Day Does anyone know what breed she is. We were told she is a Black leghorn but we personally feel she is a Australorp ×. Thank you in advance
  12. C

    White Leghorn hen?

    We don't know how old she/he is but we presume 5 months. There hasn't been a single egg yet
  13. C

    White Leghorn hen?

    Good Day Is this a white leghorn hen or a rooster? Kind regards
  14. C

    Australorp or Black Leghorn

    I added two more photos
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    Australorp or Black Leghorn

    She has yellow at the bottom of her feet and a bit on top, so it made me hopeful she was a leghorn but I appreciate your input. Thank you very much 😊
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    Australorp or Black Leghorn

    Could she maybe be a mix of the two breeds?
  17. C

    Australorp or Black Leghorn

    I've added more photos
  18. C

    Australorp or Black Leghorn

    Here's a photo of her feet, ill send a full body photo as soon as I get home. Thank you very much
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