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  1. snooki

    New member and new to raising chickens!

    Aww, Penny is so pretty! Tysm for sharing! :love
  2. snooki

    What breed is this chick?

    Hm, she does have white and some orangish/reddish/brownish? color on her. I also remember the other chicks I picked her from with more noticeable reddish color around their wing area. Her wings and tail are definitely white, though. Your description seems more accurate to her to me?
  3. snooki

    Solidify Chick poop with food???

    Thank you, I won’t try to constipate her, completely ditched that idea, wherever I got that from 😭 I’ll try the towels instead, ty!!
  4. snooki

    Solidify Chick poop with food???

    Okay yeah, ty, I had my suspicions so I had to ask. Yeah, for a week or so longer until I can get her another companion unfortunately (worst timing ever) I’ll be careful 🙏
  5. snooki

    Solidify Chick poop with food???

    Yeah, i was just wondering if this was a common trick or common knowledge or something people did whenever they had a trip coming up and needed to bring their chickens. I lost the post so i can’t refer back to it.
  6. snooki

    Solidify Chick poop with food???

    I’m not sure, but I read somewhere on this forum before I made my account that someone fed their chicks a certain type of food and their poo wouldn’t get all runny for a road trip or something. I’m wondering what food would do this since I have a 16+ hour road trip coming up and I have to take...
  7. snooki

    New member and new to raising chickens!

    That’s so sweet, i’ll have to experiment with mine and see what she prefers,, :yesss: So far she enjoys listening to frutiger aero on youtube, the video aesthetics would probably entertain her a bunch too.
  8. snooki

    New member and new to raising chickens!

    That’s so cute, i didn’t know they liked watching videos but i’m glad to learn that they do because I’d been wondering on methods I could use to entertain her and this popped up in my mind before! Your chicken sounds so sweet :love
  9. snooki

    New member and new to raising chickens!

    Tysm! I’ll try to keep her from feeling lonely as much as possible but I am definitely getting another chick the weekend after this one due to unfortunate timing circumstances :barnie
  10. snooki

    New member and new to raising chickens!

    Thank you for the info! Will keep this in mind! I have been playing soft, easy-listening music for her and she definitely enjoys it and may end up napping to it. She doesn’t really like songs with lyrics as she’ll start chirping once she hears a voice. I love listening to music with her though...
  11. snooki

    New member and new to raising chickens!

    Okay tysm i’ll see what I can do!! And yeah, i think i’d be able to. I have a lot of backyard and space for keeping future chickens etc in an outdoor space.
  12. snooki

    New member and new to raising chickens!

    Thank you! I’m planning on getting a heating source asap. When I bought her at the flea market, the guy who sold her to me gave me food for her so i’m not really sure what kind it is.
  13. snooki

    New member and new to raising chickens!

    Definitely will asap, thank you!
  14. snooki

    New member and new to raising chickens!

    Thank you! :jumpy
  15. snooki

    New member and new to raising chickens!

    Not sure, i’m assuming around two weeks?? I bought her two days ago at the flea market. And thank you!
  16. snooki

    What breed is this chick?

    Yeah, that was the plan! Once I get my second chicken, i’m planning on getting a coop for the two of them in our backyard and a proper heating source. Super excited!! :wee
  17. snooki

    What breed is this chick?

    I’ll try to get another asap, ty for answering!!
  18. snooki

    What breed is this chick?

    I just got her from someone at the flea market two days ago. I’ll have to go back and get another this weekend, hopefully i can ask then. Thanks for answering.
  19. snooki

    What breed is this chick?

    Hello, i’m new to chickens and this is my first chick. I’m pretty sure it’s a female, (if not please correct me), but I’m not sure what her breed is.
  20. snooki

    New member and new to raising chickens!

    Thank you! I don’t have a heat source for her yet, but I did place her in a heating blanket on the lowest setting and let her take a nap for a couple minutes (i didn’t want her to get cold and she was chirping loudly during that time and she was content afterwards) I don’t have a coop or...
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