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  1. blueberryeevee

    Introducing chicks to new unfamiliar flock?

    I agree, we are in the process of putting together a much larger run for when everyone is fully moved in, but I think we’ll have to be faster about it lol
  2. blueberryeevee

    Introducing chicks to new unfamiliar flock?

    The run is definitely not ideal, it’s a reclaimed run we got for free and patched together while we build a bigger, nicer run. You make a great point that there’s nowhere for them to “hide”, I think that would really help. I’m going to spend a lot of time today rearranging and adding things and...
  3. blueberryeevee

    Introducing chicks to new unfamiliar flock?

    Im not home right now but the coop is 4.5’x 5’, and about 7’ tall (it turned out a lot taller than we planned after we added the roof LOL) and has four roosting bars, and three nesting boxes that aren’t inside, they like hang off the side. There’s definitely a lot of room, I may end up...
  4. blueberryeevee

    New chicken mom

    Haha definitely! I never played WC or EQ myself but my boyfriend and his dad especially were big into EQ
  5. blueberryeevee

    New chicken mom

    Yeah I totally thought so! It’s vern hard finding info on Sapphire Splash chicks, apparently they’re pretty new? So we sort of followed the very basic hen vs rooster guidelines haha
  6. blueberryeevee

    New chicken mom

    Thank you! He totally is, he’s even so gentle with the chicks 💜
  7. blueberryeevee

    New chicken mom

  8. blueberryeevee

    New chicken mom

    Thank you! He certainly is 😁
  9. blueberryeevee

    Introducing chicks to new unfamiliar flock?

    I think this is kind of a tricky problem. We got our chicks at 1 wk old, they are now almost 7 wks old. After we finished building their coop, my boyfriend and I bought 3 laying hens (the “Ladies”) from a farm to live in there in the meantime. We tried introducing the chicks (the “Babies”) on...
  10. blueberryeevee

    New chicken mom

    Thank you!!
  11. blueberryeevee

    New chicken mom

    Thank you! He sure is. He’s about the same size as our smallest chick, Magneto, but his legs are taller and bigger than both the buff Orpingtons. We joke that he looks like an ostrich especially when he stands up tall LOL
  12. blueberryeevee

    New chicken mom

    Thank you! Im excited to be a part 😁
  13. blueberryeevee

    New chicken mom

    Thank you! This place has been great so far
  14. blueberryeevee

    New chicken mom

    Thank you! thank you! Hello from southern Rhode Island 😁
  15. blueberryeevee

    New chicken mom

    Thanks! What games do you like?
  16. blueberryeevee

    New chicken mom

    Thank you! thank you! I already do 😁
  17. blueberryeevee

    New chicken mom

    Thank you 😁 just out of curiosity (cus I can’t find much about Sapphire Splashes online, they seem to be newer?) how are you able to tell? I think he’s a roo cus of the way he stands, and his big tall legs, and his comb is much more developed than anyone else’s except for our other way more...
  18. blueberryeevee

    New chicken mom

    Thanks! I think so too 😁
  19. blueberryeevee

    New chicken mom

  20. blueberryeevee

    New chicken mom

    Thank you!
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