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  1. vermontgal

    chicken attacked by neighbors dogs - a success story

    Hi Everyone, I used to be a regular on here the first couple years I had chickens. I've now had chickens for nearly 10 years and so I have mellowed out about most things... have my rhythm. About a month ago, I was working from home, when I heard a ruckus in the backyard. At first I...
  2. vermontgal

    Chicken penicillin dosage

    You can buy penicillin at a feedstore; usually in a refrigerator. Mine was $7.99 for 100 ml; plus 39c each for syringes. If you can't find penicillin there, you may be able to get fish antibiotics at a pet store.
  3. vermontgal

    Sexing silver appleyard ducklings

    I have four miniature (bantam) Appleyards from Holderreads that are now just shy of 2 weeks old. Two of them have bills that are mostly greenish, and two of them have bills that are yellow with a brown tip. I'm very curious to find out whether I have a mix of males and females! Here they are...
  4. vermontgal

    Miniature / Bantam Ducklings - Appleyards or Spotted (in Utah)

    Hi All, I have an order of miniature (bantam) ducklings coming from Holderread Waterfowl in early May (May 1 or 2). I am probably going to raise 3-4 of them myself, and will be looking to sell off the others for $12. each (which is what I paid for them). If you are interested, please let me...
  5. vermontgal


    Hi All, I have an order of miniature (bantam) ducks coming from Holderread Waterfowl in early May (May 1 or 2). I am probably going to raise 3-4 of them myself, and will be looking to sell off the others for $12. each. If you are interested, please let me know. These little guys get to be...
  6. vermontgal


    Hey, does anyone know what IFA has this year in the way of ducks? Alternatively, I may put an order in for some mini-Appleyards or Muscovies. I haven't completely decided yet. Does anyone have interest in joining in on either?
  7. vermontgal

    Raising Rangers

    Raising Colored Rangers (aka Freedom Rangers) 2009 Arrival- On May 15, I took delivery of 102 chicks, hatched May 13, at the local post office. The chicks arrived on the 4 am truck, shipped from Pennsylvania ( on the afternoon of 4/13 via USPS Priority Mail. The post office...
  8. vermontgal

    Chicks In Compost

    Brooding Baby Chicks in the Composter 2008-07-05 Since I got my chicks in the warm weather of late June/early July, I put them out inside my half-filled black composter during the day, starting when they were about 3-4 days old. Even as babies, they liked rooting around in the compost, and...
  9. vermontgal

    Raising Backyard Meat Chickens

    Raising Backyard Meat Chickens (STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION) 12 Colored Range Broilers ("colored rangers") Purchasing the chicks In early April, I ordered 100 colored rangers from for delivery in mid-May. I only wanted 10, but ordered 100 in order to get the cost down to $1.20 per...
  10. vermontgal

    Chicken Health Care Nuggets

    Health Care nuggets Egg Binding cure - from Gardeninggranny, posted 1/8/09 (based on her experience with exotics) For an egg bound bird, from Find a wire floored cage. Place a big pan of steaming water under the cage and a warming light over the top. Put the hen in the cage and enclose the...
  11. Should I Heat My Coop

    Should I Heat My Coop

    Should I heat my coop? This question echos throughout the threads of BYC ever fall and early winter. This article addresses the tale of how one VermontGal resolved this question. I also endeavor to provide you with some information about chicken's environmental needs, coop construction &...
  12. vermontgal

    Vermontgals Page

    A Year In Your Life With Chickens One of the things I love about living in Vermont is the change of seasons. Our seasons are intense. When it is winter, it is really winter. Spring is muddy and growing. Summer hot and muggy. And fall -- is the glorious season of crunchy leaves, blue skys...
  13. Vermont Winter Coop

    Vermont Winter Coop

    For those who like data: A Vermont Winter Coop for 4 Chickens I built an insulated chicken coop on the 2nd floor of my c. 1890 urban horse barn -- you know, the kind of barn designed for your urban-transportation horse -- one stall, small tack area, buggy parking, and a hay loft. The barn is...
  14. Default


  15. vermontgal


    Does anyone have fertile eggs locally? It looks like I may have a broody... back in Vermont there were some local farms that would sell fertile eggs (for eating) that I'm pretty sure were fresh enough that I would have tried hatching them. Ideas? --- She's up now, so we will see whether...
  16. vermontgal


    As I've been looking at real estate (to buy), I have been surprised at how many potential neighbors have chickens in the backyard, right in the city. I would say that about 1/4 of the 20-25 properties I've looked at have had neighbor chickens.
  17. vermontgal


    Quote: Christie Brown is pushing Ducks this year... Thanks a lot PacsMan, trouble maker.... Any other knowledge out there? ElkCove you might be able to find Sevin dust at a hardware store if you need it while IFA is closed on Sunday. Check the % recommended for chickens vs what you might...
  18. vermontgal


    Anyone know about a local source for muscovy ducks in greater Salt Lake area or surrounds?
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