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  1. ddcoyne

    Please help me identify breeds

    Also, all are supposed to be bantams.
  2. ddcoyne

    Please help me identify breeds

    These little guys are about 2 weeks old, some are about a week older than that. 6 came fromTS and 4 came from the local feed store. Obviously the caramel colored baby is a frizzle but as for the rest, I'm just not sure. Many have feathered feet.
  3. ddcoyne

    Hatching Beginning! Questions *(Updated with end results)*

    Just a quick update. At the end of about a full 24 hour period, 15 of our 16 eggs hatched! I was amazed! I couldn't believe our success rate! We have 15 beautiful, healthy fuzzy butts! No problems so far, a full 3 days after hatching. I am elated!
  4. ddcoyne

    Hatching Beginning! Questions *(Updated with end results)*

    Well, I got no responses here, but I do have 4 beautiful black and splash Silkie babies so far.
  5. ddcoyne

    Hatching Beginning! Questions *(Updated with end results)*

    I'm also wondering how long before a pip or small crack starts to Zip, and if I've seen a pip and then nothing for a while, is something wrong?
  6. ddcoyne

    my danverX hatched out some***

    Those babies are darling!!
  7. ddcoyne

    Hatching Beginning! Questions *(Updated with end results)*

    Ok, so we have had 16 eggs in the incubator. Today is our 20th day. As of last night we saw a few pips and we're hearing LOTS of peeping and seeing a bunch of wiggling eggs. I've only noticed 2 eggs that I haven't seen wiggle, so I'm optimistic. This is the first time we've ever attempted this...
  8. ddcoyne

    Any ideas on breed/gender?

    They look like girls to me, but they are still young, so its hard to be sure.
  9. ddcoyne

    Silkie sex and color thoughts greatly appreciated!

    How old is he? He's adorable!
  10. ddcoyne

    New Hen in with my 14 Week Olds

    We have 15 14-week old chickens in our coop/run. Today a friend of ours dropped off her 1 year old hen. She used to have four chickens but her coop wasn't protected and coons got all but the one hen, Gracie. She knew we had chickens and asked if we wanted her. Of course, we did. We introduced...
  11. ddcoyne

    Is this RIR a hen of a roo?

  12. ddcoyne

    5 Toed Barred Rock baby -Pics added

    My little BR pullet is, by far, the friendliest bird in our coop. She only has 4 toes though. lol
  13. ddcoyne

    Hens or Roosters??? Please help

    The last pic, the bird on the left is a pullet. She looks like mine, who I thought was a roo until someone told me that she was a black sex link. The feathers around her neck indicate so.
  14. ddcoyne

    Homeschool families?

    In the fall, we will begin our 3rd year of homeschooling. I have an 8th grader, a 5th grader, a 4th grader and a toddler. Since I pulled my kids out of public school, life has been so much better! We love homeschooling and could never go back to the grind of the "school routine." This year we...
  15. ddcoyne

    When to Expect Crowing

    I have 15 twelve week old chickens in my coop outside. I haven't heard any crowing as of yet and I have 1, possible 2, roos. However, I haven't heard the first crow. Are they still too young? Do I have quiet roosters? lol Or do they all crow at different times. How long do I wait, wondering...
  16. ddcoyne

    Big Feathers on Feet, But Not Many Elsewhere! LOL

    Quote: That is a Partridge Cochin, not a Brahma. I think you're right! I looked up pictures and she definitely seems to be looking like that! What about the other one?
  17. ddcoyne

    Redoing my Kitchen!

    So, we've been in our house for 9 years now and I have decided to redo the kitchen, just the decor, not out & out remodeling. Of course, I've decided to go with a country rooster theme. I found some great deal on wrought iron stuff today at Hobby Lobby. I got two rectangular pictures (on wood)...
  18. ddcoyne

    Chicks first night in the coop.....I'm a nervous wreck!

    I went through this (and made a very similar post) a few weeks ago! All my girls did just fine and they love their coop! Much luck to you!
  19. ddcoyne

    My Friendly Birds

    Uncle Rico, I have that quote in my sig written on one of the beams in our coop! lol
  20. ddcoyne

    Dominique Thread!

    Here is a great pic of one of our Dominique chicks. We ordered three pullets from Meyer. Here they are with their silkie buddies: They are now almost 3 weeks old. These are brave little chicks. They aren't afraid of our hands AT ALL! Out of the 24 chicks we've raised previously, these three...
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