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  1. CheerioLounge

    Ended Official BYC Contest: Worst Chicken Molt Pictures - Fall / Winter 2011

    Did a winner get announced? Just curious! There were a lot of great entries!
  2. CheerioLounge

    egg color change

    It's nothing to worry about. You'll see many variations in egg color from the same hen. My "brown" egg layers lay anything from near white to pink to dark brown.
  3. CheerioLounge

    Cheeriolounges Member Page

    Our Little Desert Homestead After 3 years, we have finally begun our attempt to become self-sufficient. We planted a garden last year, but the desert squirrels ate everything as soon as it sprouted. It took all of 3 days to completely wipe it out! We are working out a better plan for this coming...
  4. Default


  5. CheerioLounge


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