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  1. folgerrd

    hurricane Sandy

    Thank you all, sorry I didn't reply untill now! We fared just fine, we got some wind but the storm(well, the majority of it) went around us! If anything our duckies loved it, the wind help them to get a little higher off the ground when attempting to fly and dried them off after their swims(they...
  2. folgerrd

    hurricane Sandy

    @brookliner we have rescue remedy instead
  3. folgerrd

    hurricane Sandy

    Thank you so much for responding! One hen loves being handled, the other despises it. Unfortunately I dont know if the hurrican will hit afyer theyre in bed or just before, I might even stay up to see if it hits early no one is certain of how long before it hits or how long it will be here. My...
  4. folgerrd

    hurricane Sandy

    Hurricane Sandy is going to hit us tomorrow night and stay for 72 hours. How do I prepare my birds? Their coop wont with stand 100kmph wind and hurrican rain! We are planning on caging them an keeping them in the unused part of the house but I can imagine that is stressful for them, any tips on...
  5. folgerrd

    How do I know if I have a rooster??

    By three months "he" should look different and be crowing. I don't think you have rooster, unless "he" is developing slowly.
  6. folgerrd

    Free Range or Not? What Does Everyone Prefer?

    We don`t free range, I`d love to but we live way out in the bush surrounded by woods and hunters and predators. Our property isn`t large and easy to wander off of, as did happen when bringing our three chickens home. We have a small coop attached to a tiny run, which we enclose in a very large...
  7. folgerrd

    Duck breed for me!

    I currently have two but we have room for six, and we at the least would like to expand to four. I have heard Cayuga's are quiet, Calls are the bantams of ducks(but noisy), and Muscovys forage the best(but they look a lot bigger))
  8. folgerrd

    Sexing Pekins

    I was told(by breeder) that if you turn duck on back and search through the downy feathers near the butt area for their genitalia. Females will have a hole and males will have a stump-volcano looking part.(I explained them because they won't look like human genitalia.) I have pekins and while I...
  9. folgerrd

    Will antibiotics skew necropsy results?

    I don't know for sure, but I'd say probably. The antibiotics should be preventing or damaging the disease, so maybe some signs aren't showing because of them.
  10. folgerrd

    Tree sleep?

    He is doing great! We caught him! It all happened when the dog broke loose and attacked him, we were worried he had been hurt! Luckily it's just his pride(his big beautiful tail feathers are gone ) We searched 'till we found him and as it got later we whistled to put him to sleep and snatched...
  11. folgerrd

    Review by '' on item 'Star'

    I adopted two, two-year-old Black Stars two days ago, so far I have one egg and two beautiful hens! Artemis and Phoebee(my Black Star hens) are quiet, and docile, they don't love all the extra attention that comes from moving into a 7 person fmily but they appear to be adjusting. So far I am...
  12. folgerrd

    A take off of the "Have you ever _________?" game

    Yea HYE had a veggieburger?
  13. folgerrd

    Tree sleep?

    He didn't crow this morning and I'm getting worried! Does that mean something got him, or could the fog mess him up a bit? Our neighbors said they don't mind a roo too much, they've had chickens before and know the ropes and the attachment you get, so they won't be mad(they even helped to find...
  14. folgerrd

    Tree sleep?

    Well my understanding is he crows at sunlight, correct? If I keep him in coop 'till later, no waking up neighbors at 4 am. But anyway, catching him proved difficult, he ate and ran, mated and ran etc. He clearly doesn't want to come back. Our traps have played out uselessly and it's getting...
  15. folgerrd

    Chicken Name Bragger contest - No real prize, just braggin rights!

    Oh and the two black stars have been named, Phoebee and Artemis(Greek goddess of the moon, get it black star/moon goddess?)
  16. folgerrd

    A take off of the "Have you ever _________?" game

    nope! Has your rooster ever slept in a tree?
  17. folgerrd

    Tree sleep?

    This was his first night here, period. Nothing noticed him all through the night, but now he is crowing his head off and we still can't get him down! We are laving him alone for a bit, in hopes that if we are not there to scare him he'll come back. But, he's crowed at least ten times since, and...
  18. folgerrd

    Tree sleep?

  19. folgerrd

    Tree sleep?

    We just adopted a roo named Not-Cornelius and he got away! He has continuously been trying to return, but we seem to scare him off. We located him sleeping in a tree, at a guess over twenty feet up, on a branch. Will he be safe there? It's near two clearings(on either side) but we live way out...
  20. folgerrd

    A take off of the "Have you ever _________?" game

    no HYE had pekins(ducks)?
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