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  1. donrae

    Cross Breeding Experts needed.

    If you track which hen laid which egg, and are present when each egg hatches to id the chicks. I'm never that organized or available
  2. donrae

    Cross Breeding Experts needed.

    Disclaimer---I slept in and haven't had my Diet Coke yet Your rsl rooster over barred rock hens will give you sex link chicks, genetically. The thing is, with the white/silver from the rooster, you may well not be able to see the white spot on the head at hatch, and if you have white birds...
  3. donrae

    Cross Breeding Experts needed.

    If your rooster is pure bred (2 copies of the barring gene), all his offspring will be barred to some extent. A head spot may or may not be visible at hatch, depending on the color of the chick's down. No sex linkage here, you'll have to wait for comb size, etc. From those breeds of hens...
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