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  1. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    Sounds like you have your work cut out for you. Don't forget to take some pictures to share with us! :D
  2. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    Hi DMC, hope your Thursday goes well. Are you going to be busy with last minute shower things to take care of?
  3. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    Morning LTay, hope you can get some more sleep. Maybe we got your rain last night, it was coming down in buckets!
  4. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    Good morning to you all, happy Thursday!
  5. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    Well that's not good, the helper is the one showing up and doing some work. :th
  6. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    Thanks anyway Sour, I broke down and made the trip myself. :D
  7. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    Hi LTay, enjoy your day!
  8. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    Hi Sour, while you're out rolling could you stop at the grocery store for me? I need to go and have been putting it off. :lol:
  9. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    Hi IM, stay inside and get rid of the rest of that migraine. :hugs
  10. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    Morning Sue. Kicking the guy would get you in trouble, but you sure can make your experience with him known to others. A little word of mouth can have an impact.
  11. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    That's pretty!
  12. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    Be careful blowing all those balloons up!
  13. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    Maybe some of that wind will help dry things out. Hope you all have good weather for Saturday!
  14. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    Good morning Janie, you don't need much more rain do you? You should talk to someone about that!
  15. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    Good morning DMC, hope you see some sunshine today.
  16. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    That's no way to treat people that are paying him to do a job. I hate this is happening to you and Bob. :hugs
  17. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    Sounds like summer has found you Sour.
  18. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    Hi Sue, how are things going with the new house...are you all unpacked?
  19. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    Good afternoon LTay!
  20. N F C

    The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

    And I love seeing your pictures, you always have such good ones!
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