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  1. sryglet

    Sexing Sebastopol

    Awesome! We've always thought she was a girl based on her demeanor alone. And that wing definitely fixed itself after she molted a few months back - she looks soooo much nicer, curlier, and bigger now. I can't wait to get a more recent picture of her :)
  2. sryglet

    Sexing Sebastopol

    Unfortunately the only photos of her that I have don't really show off how gorgeous she is! She seems to have a lot more feathers now, and she looks way curlier and bigger, and that messed up looking wing looks normal now.. but here are a couple of photos from a few months back! She's now twice...
  3. sryglet

    Sexing Sebastopol

    Hey all. I have an approximately 9 month old Sebastopol named Lucy Goosey. S(he) is the friendliest goose I've ever met - never hisses, doesn't chase or nip, loves my ducks, and comes up to me for treats / pets. S(he) does this thing where s(he) makes a hilarious rubber chicken-sounding call...
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