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  1. S

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    Her poop became normal for awhile but suddenly stopped eating and drinking again. I tubed 200 mL water today (4x50mL with a pinch of Kaytee) but she still seems dehydrated. Poop is milky white water with almost no solids. Does milky poop mean she is still dehydrated?
  2. S

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    Only water (last time was yesterday morning). She has been eating layer crumble on her own, plus the white bread+amoxicillin. And whatever she finds outside in the grass.
  3. S

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    @casportpony does this look like a normal poop? i stopped tube feeding yesterday because she is eating and drinking on her own. I put her back with the flock because she was pacing back and forth in the cage like a crazy person. She still getting amoxicillin for 5 more days.
  4. S

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    I DID IT :celebrate:celebrate I just tubed 20 ml of plain water by myself. Too scared to do more than that because I couldn't see if she regurgitates. :oops: Being able to tube feed alone makes life SO much easier. Thank you for sharing all this valuable information :bow
  5. S

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    Very helpful, thank you! It looks like the hen is facing to your right hand side? Are you able to get a clear view down the throat from that position, or do you do it by feel? I think I will try this.
  6. S

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    For real? Do you tie them up with rope? That was the only idea I could come up with, when trying to think of ways I could tube feed by myself.
  7. S

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    100ml yesterday (40 in the morning, 60 at night). None so far today because I don't have anyone who can help until later. But she ate half a slice of white bread soaked in water + amoxicillin. Even the large birds? How? I tried to wrap my hen in a towel, but she kept kicking and scratching...
  8. S

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    Thank you, thank you! How many days is a course of antibiotics? Her poops are getting a little better, but still wet and sort of dark green. Do you ever tube feed with just one person?
  9. S

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    Is 250mg amoxicillin total per day the right dosage? Does it make a difference if it is 125mg twice a day, or 250mg all at once? When you say 90ml water, is that spread out over a whole day? She has eaten a lot this morning and I am worried she will overflow if I give so much water at once.
  10. S

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    125 mg (half of a fish mox). She is doing better this morning. Chowing down on layer crumble and very chatty. I want to tube more fluids into her since she has not touched her water.
  11. S

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    I gave her another 55ml water plus amoxicillin. It was too much. She barfed some water after I removed the tube, and her crop looks distended. 5 hours was not enough to empty. She is eating a little bit.
  12. S

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    I have fish mox (i have almost everything on the list in your First Aid Kit thread). Do you think I should add that to her water tubings? There is probably not much I can do if it's cancer.
  13. S

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    Oh, no. Do you have any idea what serious thing it could be? I like my chicken, but I can't justify spending a lot of money on a vet. She is still talking a little and puts up a fight when I tube feed her.
  14. S

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    She weighs 3.9 pounds. I did 35 mL and then, after 90 minutes, 55 mL. I need to leave and won't be back for 5 hours. Should I start over with the water schedule? Thank you very much for your advice! Here is her poop.
  15. S

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    another 55 ml water down the hatch. I might not be able to do the next tubing for another 5 hours. Is it bad to wait that long?
  16. S

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    I just tubed 35 ml water. That was the biggest syringe I have, but next time I will try to use two syringes. Should I add rooster booster or parrot feed to the water? She is not underweight, but I don't know how long she can go without food.
  17. S

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    Adult bird. Not sure what is wrong with her (thread here) but she suddenly stopped eating and drinking a few days ago. I just want to make sure she gets enough nutrients and fluid to recover on her own, if she can.
  18. S

    Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide - Pictures - Under construction

    @casportpony How often to tube feed? The first post says "3ml per 100gms up to every six hours for adults". Does that mean more frequently than every 6 hours, or less frequently? How long does it take for a normal crop to completely empty?
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