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  1. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    I finally have my chickens in their new coop. Its not quite complete, I still need to put the weatherproofing on the outside of the house. But it's secure, and the chickens spent their first night in it and seem happy. I'll take some pictures later in the day.
  2. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    Its been a while since I stopped in and said hi. Zeke is a beautiful dog Jim. I hope you find him the perfect new home. Its been slow progress on my chicken coop, bit still some progress since my last post. The roof is on, the wire is on and mostly secured. Two whole sides is done, with...
  3. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    Great to see all the progress cappy. I bet having a fixed hearing aid is good Jim. I have hearing aids too and I'm getting new ones on Monday. I've only had my current ones for almost 10 years, so i ts certainly time for an upgrade. Not much progress on my coop the last few days. The weather...
  4. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    Here's today's progress on the coop. One side of corrugated iron left to dig in and secure. Next is the roof. I'm leaving the roof to hubby. I'm just ecstatic there's progress. I need to go for an hour drive each way to go get the netting I need for the walls. I may need more timber for the...
  5. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    Reading the directions often helps troubleshoot little issues like that. The weather here is miserable. Cold, wet and windy. Gotta love winter :tongue I let my chickens out of their little prison for a peck and a scratch. Probably wasn't the best idea. It took me almost half an hour to...
  6. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    That tool just really doesn't want to work for you right now, does it.
  7. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    I have a pond half constructed in my back yard. Once its done I'll certainly be getting tadpoles. I love frogs
  8. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    I've never before mangled a toe like I did this one. I'm just glad with all the colourful bruising, its hardly painful anymore, unless it gets tugged sideways. I'm getting new hearing aids in a couple of weeks. My current ones are almost 10 years old, so its certainly time for an upgrade. I...
  9. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    Only dislocated. Miracles do happen. Toe is a lovely shade of black and blue, but its good to know what the damage is. Thankfully not much considering how gruesome it looked before I straightened it. Hoping to help hubby with getting more walls on the coop. Thankfully I can still wear my...
  10. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    I forgot to add a picture Tin is on the back wall. The tin will carry on all around the base. Its buried into the ground too. And that's my dog, Styx, in front of the coop.
  11. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    One part of one wall has progress. Yay. So happy there's real progress. Of course, hubby and I decided to go to the beach with our son, and let my dog have a good run around. It was awesome. I was looking for shellfish but couldn't find any that I wanted. I found a small paddle crab. Then I...
  12. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    :wee Yay, finally got that last post in the ground. Hubby hasn't been feeling that great the last few days so I'm glad he could help me today. We also moved some of my other building materials around, corrugated iron and timber. Getting it closer to the building site so its easier to access. I...
  13. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    Another post in, yay. Hoping to get the last one in before it gets dark then I can build away at my leisure. A bunny condo. Can I get some pictures please Cappy? I'm thinking about getting some rabbits at some point and would love to see what you have going. Hope you're feeling better soon...
  14. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    "jvls1942, post: what I need is someone who is impartial to come in and clean my shop. If only I was a little closer, I'd come give you a hand. My biggest problem with shelves and drawers is I fill them with junk I'm forever meaning to sort out. Then I run out of room and need a new...
  15. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    My country tends to not have many of the US chain stores. Unless its fast food. I got leopard print rubber boots there once. It won't surprise me if they carry chicken ones at some point.
  16. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    I have steel toe work boots for working outside. I still slide around in the mud. The mulch I spread over the slipperiest bits is helping heaps, so yay. Instead of working on the coop, hubby built a raised garden for our front yard. A friend brought a trailer of topsoil and helped us fill in...
  17. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    Glad to hear you had a good nights sleep Jim. Hope the next board is suitable for your needs. Its not so cold here today. Either that or I'm acclimatising finally. I think I'm going to have to sacrifice some of my mulch pile and spread some on a couple of muddy areas. Of course, all the mud...
  18. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    Yeah exactly. There are lots of kids at his school who are home sick this week. I haven't done any more on my coop today. Took my son to the Dr's. Just viral so nothing we can do but wait. Hoping to get the last two posts in this weekend so I can get it finished so I can get the hens into...
  19. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    I hope so too. Its Friday here so I have hope he will be OK to go to school on Monday. He just got over strep throat and now a cold moves in. Gotta love those winter germs :rant
  20. lillithlix

    Helpful hints for building coops

    Beautiful bright sunny morning outside, I feel too cold and sluggish to make the most of it. My son has been home from school the past couple of days with a nasty cough. Poor kid is hardly able to sleep from coughing so much. I just wish he would stay in bed. Hubby got home late last night...
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