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  1. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    And you make money on reselling the reptiles
  2. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    Could you start a rehoming service? Watch GoHerping for some inspiration.
  3. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    Why? Looking at pretty reptiles it better then what most kids look at these days 😉 just sayin.
  4. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    I was kidding🤫 but yeh it would be pretty cool. I don't think I'll ever get another gecko again. They're nice reptiles but a bit boring for the average keeper.
  5. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    I really want a Tokay! Perhaps that's a good replacement for my snakes? :D This is my enclosure.
  6. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    Yeh most of my relatives live there. The longest time I've spent over there was 10 months. It feels like my second home now.
  7. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    I used to find lots of them in Australia. If you hold their tails they come off:hmm
  8. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    Crazy legs 😄. I've often thought of what a snake would look like with legs. There is actually a lizard, might be a skink that is basically a snake with legs.
  9. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    Really nice looking snake! Are you going to continue using that wood chip stuff? I use aspen bedding. No idea which is better. Corn snakes are the best snakes!!
  10. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    What is Reese? Milk snake?
  11. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    Hoshi? Is that the Beardie in your PFP?
  12. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    Well. I guess there's a market for them.
  13. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    Yup! Most people call them Axolotles. They're super ugly
  14. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    What Morph? They are really friendly gentle reptiles actually. Good on you for looking after him for so long
  15. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    Ooh yes I love water dragons! I used to keep a Leopard Gecko but they're not the most animating of creatures. Being semi nocturnal doesn't help either as they rarely come out their hide during the daylight hours. I think I'm leaning towards a Beardie.
  16. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    Hmmm I might! I'm going to the local reptile store tommorow to browse. They have all sorts of good stuff there. I could literally spend all day looking at the reptiles in there! I'm sure some people must think I'm crazy. Might also put my snakes on for sale tommorow morning🥲
  17. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    I actually have no idea what I'd get. I do like bearded dragons. I also like ackie monitors but I would probably need a bigger enclosure.
  18. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    Another reason why I'm selling them is that they aren't getting on well together. The male is often having a go at the female. Technically you shouldn't keep a male and female corn together but lots of people do with no issues at all. It's a shame but It will be nice to experience keeping...
  19. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    They didn't really want me to get them in the first place. When I bring them downstairs they don't like it
  20. KingD

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    I looove beardies. Did I tell you that I have to sell my snakes? My parents say I've got to. Anyway, I guess it's their house and all that. I try and keep them happy when possible. I'm considering replacing them with something else. Not too sure yet though. I really love my snakes!
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