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  1. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    The Bluebirds have successfully fledged! Now to get those Titmice out of that low to the ground tree hole, they are all vocalizing in adult fashion now and have been for many days. Any day now, hopefully this morning! :fl
  2. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    The Western Bluebird babies should be fledging the nest box any day now, 4 of them. They are loud enough to hear across the yard. They are about 20 days old today. The Juniper Titmice decided a nest box wasn't good enough for them and are raising their brood of 4 in the crack of a tree too low...
  3. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    My hummingbird counts have been going down every year for 25 years. I used to go though 2 gallons a day, 7 feeders, 75+ birds. Last year I had 4 feeders, 20+ birds and only went through a half gallon a day. :(
  4. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    I hate nest box wars. :hmm I have 4 boxes up, 2 of which get claimed every year by a Bluebird pair and a Bewick's Wren pair. The other 2 boxes get fought over by Chickadees, Juniper Titmice and Ash Throated Flycatchers. Although this year one box is still empty, I think the Flycatchers are...
  5. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    Beautiful bee! 🐝 ❤️
  6. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    Here too. They love suet!
  7. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    I have never seen a Painted Bunting, it's on my bird bucket list! Glad you got to see one!
  8. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    I saw one once years ago ground feeding beneath the feeders here in NM. I had never seen one before, had to pull out my bird ID book to be sure! :D They are gorgeous!
  9. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    Occasionally I will get a Bullock's Oriole come to the hummer feeders, they don't stick around though.
  10. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    Beautiful birds aren't they?! They've become irruptive around here. I think our drought has got them going elsewhere in search of food.
  11. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    We used to see Evening Grosbeaks here too but they are extremely rare here now. :(
  12. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    Looks like you are in their path, lucky you! Its rare for me to see them.
  13. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    Do you have the Rose-breasted Grosbeak there? They are pretty too. Once in a while they will wander this far west, I've seen a few over the past decades, most likely migrating north as they don't stay long.
  14. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    Black-headed Grosbeak range...
  15. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    Unfortunately I don't have any photos but here is the male, the female is more dull looking. The male has a very melodic colorful call, very pretty song!
  16. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    The first Black-headed Grosbeak showed up yesterday, I love hearing the males sing!
  17. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    Western Bluebirds are already nesting in one of the boxes, same box as last year. I need to go peek one of these days and see how many eggs the female laid. She usually lays 5.
  18. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    This would work too!
  19. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    We get Canyon Towhees trying to build nests up in the rafters of our porch, similar ledge to yours. We put rocks up there on the ledge, seems to deter them. Just don't let the rocks fall on your head. 😂
  20. TwoCrows

    Feeding Wild Birds

    So you have them up there? Do they eat you out of house, home and birdseed? 😁 These White-Winged Doves down here can stuff their faces and fast!
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