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  1. AGeese

    Any artists out there?

    taters precious
  2. AGeese

    Any artists out there?

    So I haven't painted minis in years and when I did it was before all the advances in paint technology :) but now I'm really liking it, it's fun and honestly not that hard, but these are mostly practice pieces (the gnolls) I started to get impatient not spending the time and rushed, then went...
  3. AGeese

    Any artists out there?

    Sorry all I'm behind on this thread. Looking good! I haven't spent enough time on mine, but I'll have to get an update in.
  4. AGeese

    Any artists out there?

    Gnolls! They're underrated, and figures pun 😉
  5. AGeese

    Any artists out there?

    Squigs! Hopefully yours comes back nice haha
  6. AGeese

    Any artists out there?

    You should make another for the team science fiction thread.
  7. AGeese

    Any artists out there?

    So when I dusted off the elves, I had already primed up some gnolls. They look kinda bad here, they're primed in flat black spray can paint, partially base coated, but there's lots more to do and I'm mostly experimenting with the colors I've got. I think I'll prime the elves in flat white
  8. AGeese

    Any artists out there?

    Yes the smile alone in the dark is eerie hah.
  9. AGeese

    Any artists out there?

    Looking pretty spooky already. Maybe claws and fangs?
  10. AGeese

    Any artists out there?

    O So I opened the box to see what I have: Top layer: Archers 2nd layer: Swordsmen 3rd layer: Spear and Standard Bearers 4th layer: Cavalry
  11. AGeese

    Any artists out there?

    I have a box of ancient sea elves? (from the '80s) ☺️
  12. AGeese

    Any artists out there?

    Got a couple new fantasy paint sets on the right.
  13. AGeese

    Any artists out there?

    I thought they had something where if there were an issue ebay would cover it in some way. Been a while since I've been on there and I know they've changed their terms many times.
  14. AGeese

    Any artists out there?

    Did you involve customer support? There are seller protections last I knew.
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