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  1. azurbanclucker

    Falconry anyone? 🦅

    They are in the "outside" portion of the garden area, and stay up in the rafters 20+ feet up. The do keep an eye on people but they've been there for years (clearly a breeding family unit that keeps coming back and nesting) and to my knowledge there's never been an incident. The lowe's people...
  2. azurbanclucker

    Falconry anyone? 🦅

    If you mean the one in my photo, she's an educational bird who was injured and not able to be re-released. She does a birds of prey show at our AZ Ren Faire. Having said that, I see the GH in our area active all times of the day. Mostly at night, but not only at night. The ones who live in the...
  3. azurbanclucker

    Falconry anyone? 🦅

    I'm into things that fly in general, so definitely love raptors These are Harris' Hawks. We have a family that hunts pigeons in our neighborhood. I've never had an issue with them messing with the girls. This is an Aplomado Falcon, used for pest control at a local golf resort But I'm really...
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