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  1. azurbanclucker

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Heya! When you decide to enter future contests, please make sure to read the submissions rules (which are almost always in the first post in the contest thread) They'll tell you what is and is not an acceptable entry for a given contest. As mentioned, this one's over, but in the rules it was...
  2. azurbanclucker

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Cornell lab of Ornithology's bird tracking/enthisast site.
  3. azurbanclucker

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Obligatory plug for photo critiques! If you'd like to have some constructive feedback and get some tips for improving your shots, pop on by this thread. There are a bunch of folks hanging out that are happy to share their...
  4. azurbanclucker

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Great job everyone! This was a lot of fun to watch unfold. We've got a lot of talented photographers hanging around and it's great to see such an abundance of work. It takes courage to even enter a judged competition in the first place, and everyone who did should be proud of what they...
  5. azurbanclucker

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    What he's not telling you is that the judges have resorted to ritual combat to resolve some ties between shots. Tomorrow at dawn, it's a full gladiatorial style melee for glory and honor! Oh wait, that may be a TV show I was watching earlier this week... Erm. Carry on!
  6. azurbanclucker

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    we don't seem them as much here in the phx area, but they're all over the place on the lower desert by mt folks' house down on the border
  7. azurbanclucker

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    You will get used to kikispeak. :p
  8. azurbanclucker

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    My uncles both feed them, and the jays steal their seeds.
  9. azurbanclucker

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Not an Entry: Mesquite Bugs (Thasus neocalifornicus). The brighter red colored ones are the juveniles, and the darker ones are adults.
  10. azurbanclucker

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    is that a trash panda or an oddly colored bear? That looks like a bear trap?
  11. azurbanclucker

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Crazy web! I'm having trouble finding the spider in it though, help a blind brotha out? :)
  12. azurbanclucker

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    @Bakbuk is the sparrow shot #1? Can you mark it as your first entry if so??
  13. azurbanclucker

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    Who says it won't win anything? Don't be afraid to enter your work! It's a good shot!
  14. azurbanclucker

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    looks like a kid and a frog, maybe one sculpture, maybe 2 together?
  15. azurbanclucker

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    AZ has a lot of sneks. I prefer the ones who can't kill me, all things considered :)
  16. azurbanclucker

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    This guy was up by the house at the in-laws. he was fairly docile, you can see from his eyes he was about to shed and was just looking for a shady space. Scooped him up with a shovel and set him out in the wash and he went on his merry way.
  17. azurbanclucker

    Ended BYC’s Wildlife Photography Photo Contest

    You're braver than I am. I don't have a problem moving bulls, gophers, or shovelnoses, but I will not touch a rattler with a 10 foot pole. My in-laws have a resident kingsnake now, so the rattlers stay away which is nice. I'll see if I can get some pics of the king one of these days.
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