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  1. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Piou-piou laid a soft shell egg during the night and she was much better today, even though she was still limping. So I think although the limping may be an issue it's not what's causing her pain, and this seems to point toward reproductive issues. It was a lovely day until three but now we...
  2. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    I also find it always very hard to see chicken's sizes on photos ! Piou-piou hatched from a standard egg ; she is a runt and did not grow normally. But it is possible that her father was a bantam or cross bantam. Théo is likely cross bantam and small standard. He comes from the same lineage of...
  3. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Laure is definitely not broody but tiny Chipie is beginning to be quite a thing 🤣. Whenever she sees me, she follows me everywhere making broody growls. If I ignore her, she pecks at my shoes, then jumps on my shoulder ! I'm afraid that my usual method to lock the coop after lunch and force the...
  4. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    If I don't post on the thread during the day, once I've had dinner I just feel so tired that I go straight to sleep- as soon as it's dark enough to take any broodies out of the nests and on the roost ! It's that time of year when days feel too long. But I don't have much news, actually. The...
  5. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    I'm an old hen too, then🤣. All my chickens go to bed too early, even the younger ones. When I had only the ex-batts they went to bed much later. Maybe they want to avoid the roosters attention in the evening ? Or maybe it's a health issue ? Or just because the weather has been crappy so many...
  6. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Her eye sight is ok. I think she has either some form of articular pain, or the imbalance is neurological. She really crouches on the roost and on the ramp as if she couldn't stay up. But during the day she seems to walk and run normally, and she looks like she is doing good. She doesn't really...
  7. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    One lesson I learnt the hard way from Piou-piou is to trim away all the feathers close to the wound 🙁. And that you likely need to do it again as feathers can grow back. Yes, I'd be interested to know what your vet says. Looking it up on the internet in french, it seems that dealing with wounds...
  8. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    RC, I'm very glad and also very grateful you took the time to write this, thank you so much ! It's really interesting, and also challenging to my current practices. I am very drawn to that idea that skin can heal itself- it seems so perfect. As usual I wish I hadn't stopped biology and...
  9. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    It means you run away. It's an excerpt from a song and it's very hard to translate because it's based on word games and doesn't really have a meaning. The t-shirt says "Ode to the night, where you run away, burnt by stars, in full noon." I want to comment on this but I'm afraid I won't make...
  10. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    I never heard that term TLC before, so I had to look it up. It is a very comforting idea ! Reminds me of being allowed to sleep in my parent's bed when I was sick as a child. Wonderful! And your garden looks so green ! It makes a lovely contrast with the purple. Believe it or not, cottage...
  11. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    In France when I was young, people from the Netherlands were seen like the green people in Europe, with the germans. It's very sad it has turned out like this, and when you feel like a stranger in your country. But maybe in a year or two people will realise populism can't keep it's promises ...
  12. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Now that last point is something I can totally relate with. Not thinking about what will happen if a male chick does not get along with the adult rooster or hoping having consolidated a third of the property 's fence will stop the boar from destroying the garden come to mind 🙄.
  13. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Yes, I agree in general cases. For her we did feel looking at the wound antibiotics were needed because it is so deep and we can't manually clean it inside properly. The first round of antibiotics she had were in November to try to avoid surgery. That was a gamble, but I agreed giving a try at...
  14. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Thanks for the suggestions! I tried the bread, but it didn't work. I think she may be more picky than usual because she is broody, as she had two rounds of antibiotics this winter with no issue. It's liquid like water and I need to give 1ml, so it has to be with something that can either absorb...
  15. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Thank you again for sharing your thoughts, it's interesting for me to hear your reactions as I tend to think in circle. I do agree with most of what you say ; it seems Frida isn't sure about it though 😁. I suppose you saw the Guardians paper interviewing hundred of scientists, many who...
  16. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    I am not happy chicken wise with the last two days. Lilly is crated and will be for another day ; we pour betadine in her wound morning and evening. It's a good thing she is half broody because it helps her bear the confinement better- she sits on an egg half of the day. She gets two times out...
  17. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    The cats say they don't mind rain but they mind being woken up. Wanted to share this that came up in my social media today. Her poetry may not be technically the best but often I feel like she expressed my exact feelings.
  18. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Thank you all again for the kind words. I miss her more than I imagined. Partly because spending so much time caring and worrying for her made me feel more attached, but also now she's gone I really feel a page has turned in our chicken journey. It's due to specific circumstances. My partner...
  19. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    The post about Blanche, the little ex-batt with nine lives. She was the first hen we named for a simple reason : when the ex-batt's arrived as pullets, she was the only one we could tell apart because she was whiter than all except Cannelle, and smaller. But she turned out to be the last to...
  20. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    I use soap, and I don't think it's questionable. It's what I've been told to use when I did first aid training and my brother told me it's what the paramedics are told to use as well. It's just that in this case a spray would have been more convenient, I didn't have enough clean towels to sponge...
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