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  1. M

    Pasty butt, 1 week

    Thanks all! I wanted to update, I tried the ACV in their water and it worked! Within a couple days they were all fine. They’re doing great now, although they’re still terrified of me 🙄 I think I missed the window of opportunity for making them into lap chickens… lol Thanks!
  2. M

    Pasty butt, 1 week

    Thank you so much guys! Yeah they’re terrified of me now, because I’m always just there cleaning them haha I ran out of the electrolytes today and TSC doesn’t have any until later this week, so we’ll see if some fresh water helps 😂
  3. M

    Pasty butt, 1 week

    Hi all, I am brand new to this and have 4 Rhode Island Reds, 6 Plymouth Rocks that are a week old today (yay!). The RIRs have been fine since Day 1, they’re pretty relaxed, chubby, and their wings already have a lot of feathers. The Rocks are…high-strung? And 2-3 of them have had pasty butt...
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