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  1. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    Here’s a little combined video of these Rockers & Rollers! It’s CHAOS up in here!!!! 🤣🤣🤣
  2. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    aww i’m glad Mama Muscovy is feeling better, I can imagine they go thru a grieving period when they lose their babes. Makes me think of the male swan that lives on this lake. He was up near, or on, my shore all alone all spring up until about 2 weeks ago. Especially if I was out there he...
  3. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    This one gives more of comparison scale. He’s on the towel to our right (by way of the pic from our current view). He gets tired much quicker than the other two, i’m assuming due to his traumatic “forced” birth 😳. Hopefully he’ll catch up with the others soon
  4. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    I agree! I may steal that idea
  5. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    i forgot… Mr. Bigs is in the middle. He’s quite “round” in comparison to the others when sitting or lying 🤦🏼‍♀️❤️
  6. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    Typical “teenagers” thinking they are grown enough to do what Mom does 😂😂. They’ve definitely gotten bigger, wow! I’m so sorry you lost one of them :(.
  7. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    @New duck mommy 2021 I finally have a few pics below (& a video I will upload shortly). oh my gosh, They are perfect little cuties! They are SOOOO active & curious lol. I Used to laugh at my Pekin & Rouen when they were still tiny bc they barely did a thing but lay there soaking up all of...
  8. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    oh! maybe I jumped the gun with him then, i feel like a total JERK. I will keep close eyes on him. I probably should have considered the size of the egg in my decision making process to help the hatch. what are your thoughts on that? I feel like it makes sense, now, that If the egg is bigger...
  9. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    ok! I will do that. He/she definitely starting to perk up a little bit now & starting to dry out but still quite tired. He/she had been rolling its egg around practically nonstop since I took the turner out last week. Hoping I didn’t “jump the gun” with his hatch, or lack there of, & make this...
  10. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    ok, that’s reassuring to know for sure. I am currently giving him “kangaroo care” right now lol he’s not getting dry at all so I took him out of incubator, wrapped him in a towel & have him snuggled up on my diaphragm. He’s talking a good amount, especially if I move to much (lol). He managed...
  11. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    i’m pretty certain it was. Everything was so dry inside the egg other than a small amount of mucous looking stuff at the bottom of the shell. He was looking a little bit better. Last I checked on him, he was wiggling around a little bit more still has his eyes closed. I had to run an errand and...
  12. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    He’s my grandson ❤️. I scooped him up from his Mom & Dad on Monday with the intention of him being here so he could experience the hatch. Baby #2 hatched on a towel in grandsons lap (after I assisted a bit)! He had a pretty dry membrane & “outer” (?) membrane 😢 so i’m glad I decided to...
  13. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    and @Miss Lydia!!!! We have a baby! This is who i’ve been calling Wiggles hence the insanity of non-stop activity inside the shell since practically the beginning. She/he hasn’t stopped LOUDLY quacking since we scooped her out of the incubator, mostly bc how dare one of us not hold her lol...
  14. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    update, Update, UPDAAAAAATE!!!!!!! LOL All 3 of my lil babies have, Unmistakably, 100% internally pipped & all are feverishly working on their external pips! It was so awesome getting such a clear glimpse of them ❤️❤️❤️ My day is now complete lol I did provide my big egg with a small safety...
  15. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    omgosh! YAY!! thank you for looking at it… you just made my NIGHT!!! one of my other ones looked like that too so feeling much more confident all is well & they are progressing as they should be. I cannot WAIT to meet them & to send ya’ll pics of them 😁
  16. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    Soooo…..(I promise this is my last post to you both for tonight) is that vid showing an actual bill via internal pip or a bill getting really close to a full-on internal pip?
  17. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    I love that analogy LOL! That’s pretty much what’s happening over here the last week or so. Especially at night once the day is coming to an end & I come inside for the night. My hubs says he’s getting lonely at night 😂😂😂😂🤷🏼‍♀
  18. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    They are crazy little “tiny dancers” lol.
  19. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    Hatch day is Tuesday (fingers crossed). AHHHH!!! so excited! Thank you for letting me share this crazy journey with you both! I told New duck mommy that I will definitely be paying it forward should I ever encounter a first time hatcher ❤️❤️❤️
  20. M

    1st hatch, day 22, vid attached, duckling shadowing?

    They’ll probably hatch full grown with as much dancing as they all do haha. I find myself talking to them with words of encouragement pretty regularly lol. The incubator is in the spare bedroom, which I walk by a million times a day, so I’m constantly peeking in on them &, admittedly, talking...
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