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  1. Iluveggers

    Chronic egg issues in hatchery stock breeds

    It depends. If they used a male cuckoo or legbar and female non-barred, they won’t be sex-linked. The othet way around they would. What does Hoover’s site say? (Usually they source my TSC).
  2. Iluveggers

    Chronic egg issues in hatchery stock breeds

    FYI if you ever order chicks, Mt Healthy shipped them at 11:45 pm, and they arrived to the post office at 1pm the next day. Fastest order ever. So whatever airmail they use to NY is super quick. Congratulations on the Olive Eggers! Would love to see some close ups. 😊
  3. Iluveggers

    Chronic egg issues in hatchery stock breeds

    I know. I figured I would tell you though and save you the heartache.
  4. Iluveggers

    Chronic egg issues in hatchery stock breeds

    They are production breeds. We got 3 two years ago. Only one is left. 🙁 Not sure what they were mixed with, but they were from Tractor Supply.
  5. Iluveggers

    Chronic egg issues in hatchery stock breeds

    Mt Healthy has minimum 3 with $35 shipping, but if you get 10, it’s only like $15 shipping I think…they had quite a bit available as of last week. Ideal I think is $20 ship with a $40 order which ends up being about 8 chicks. I think the other hatcheries I looked at either have super high...
  6. Iluveggers

    Chronic egg issues in hatchery stock breeds

    Oh & if I had known earlier you could have just added to the order I got last week, I think I’m pretty close to where you are!
  7. Iluveggers

    Chronic egg issues in hatchery stock breeds

    Marans and Wyandottes have been super hardy, along with Sussex. They are mostly bought for looks and not production, maybe that’s why? Mt Healthy still has stock and Ideal might…I’ve also heard good things about Naked Necks and health, so we added one this year. They both have low shipping...
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